怀双胎注意事项:求高中英语教材Unit1的一篇叫The Summer Holidays的文章

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/14 06:56:07
求高中英语教材Unit1的一篇叫The Summer Holidays的文章,急!


Unit 1 The summer holidays

Lesson 1


1 Two students meet for the first time at the beginning of term.

BILL: Hello, I'm Bill. What's your name?

HARRY: Harry.

BILL: Which school were you at last year?

HARRY: Centre School.

BILL: Really? So was my friend Bob

White. Do you know him?

HARRY: Sure. We were in the same class.

BILL: Well, it's getting late. I must be off

now. Nice to meet you.

HARRY: Nice meeting you. Bye-bye.

2 Two friends meet at school on the first day of term.

JANE: Who's that boy over there?

ZHOU LAN: That's Tang Lin . Come on.

I' 11 introduce you.

JANE: All right.

ZHOU LAN: Tang Lin , I want to introduce

my friend Jane.

TANG LIN: Hello.


2 Oral practice

Ask your partner questions about the holidays.

1 Did you stay at home or did you go away?

2 Which places did you go to?

3 What interesting things did you do?

4 Did you play any games? Which games?

5 What was the nicest part of your holiday in your opinion?

Turn to another partner, tell him or her what your first partner did in the holidays.

Lesson 1


1 Two students meet for the first time at the beginning of term.

: Hello, I'm
. What's your name?

HARRY: Harry.

: Which school were you at last year?

HARRY: Centre School.

BILL: Really? So was my friend

White. Do you know

HARRY: Sure. We were in the same class.

BILL: Well, it's getting late. I must be off

now. Nice to meet you.

HARRY: Nice meeting you. Bye-bye.

2 Two friends meet at school on the first day of term.

: Who's that boy over there?

: That's Tang Lin . Come on.

I' 11 introduce you.

: All right.

: Tang Lin , I want to introduce

my friend

TANG LIN: Hello.


2 Oral practice

Ask your partner questions about the holidays.

1 Did you stay at home or did you go away?

2 Which places did you go to?

3 What interesting things did you do?

4 Did you play any games? Which games?

5 What was the nicest part of your holiday in your opinion?

Turn to another partner, tell
or her what your first partner did in the holidays.

Unit 1 The summer holidays

Lesson 1


1 Two students meet for the first time at the beginning of term.

BILL: Hello, I'm Bill. What's your name?

HARRY: Harry.

BILL: Which school were you at last year?

HARRY: Centre School.

BILL: Really? So was my friend Bob

White. Do you know him?

HARRY: Sure. We were in the same class.

BILL: Well, it's getting late. I must be off

now. Nice to meet you.

HARRY: Nice meeting you. Bye-bye.

2 Two friends meet at school on the first day of term.

JANE: Who's that boy over there?

ZHOU LAN: That's Tang Lin . Come on.

I' 11 introduce you.

JANE: All right.

ZHOU LAN: Tang Lin , I want to introduce

my friend Jane.

TANG LIN: Hello.


2 Oral practice

Ask your partner questions about the holidays.

1 Did you stay at home or did you go away?

2 Which places did you go to?

3 What interesting things did you do?

4 Did you play any games? Which games?

5 What was the nicest part of your holiday in your opinion?

Turn to another partner, tell him or her what your first partner did in the holidays.

lesson 1
1 Dialogues
1 Two students meet for the fist time at the beginning of term.
BILL: Hello, I'm Bill. What's your name?
HARRY: Harry.
BILL: Which school were you at last year?
HARRY: Centre School.
BILL: Really? So was my friend Bob
White. Do you know him?
HARRY: Sure. We were in the same class.
BILL: Well, it's getting late. I must be off
now. Nice to meet you.
HARRY: Nice meeting you. Bye-bye.

lesson 2
Two friends meet at school on the first day of term.
JANE: Who's that boy over there?
ZHOU LAN: That's Tang Lin. Come on,
I'll introduce you.
JANE: All right.
ZHOULAN: Tang Lin, I want to introduce my friend Jane.
TANG LIN: Hello.
Lesson 2
Charlie and Li Xiaojun are pen friends. Charlie lives in the USA. Here is part of his letter
to Li Xiaojun about his summer vacation. Read the letter fast to get a general idea. Find
out the things which are different in your part of China.
August 15, 199-
Dear Xiaojun,

I hope you are very well. I’m fine, but tired. Right now it is the summer vacation and
I’m helping my Dad on the farm. August is the hottest month here. It is the time of
year for the rice harvest, so every day I work from dawn until dark. Sometimes we go
on working after dark by the lights of our tractors. We grow rice in the south of the
States, but in the north where it is colder they grow wheat. We have a lot of machines
on the farm. Although the farm is large, my Dad has only two men working for him.
But he employs more men for the harvest.
My brother takes care of the vegetable garden. It doesn’t often rain in the summer
here. As a result, we have to water the vegetable garden. Every evening we pump
water from a well. It then runs along channels to different parts of the garden.
Most Saturday evenings there is a party, even at harvest time. We cook meat on an
open fire outside. It’s great! Americans eat a lot of meat¬¬¬- too much in my opinion.
Some of my friends drink beer. I don’t, because I have to drive home after the party.
In your letter you asked about the time in different areas of the States. There are
five different time areas in the States. In my state we are fourteen hours behind Beijing
time. How many different time areas do you have in China?
Well, I must stop and get some sleep. Please give my regards to your parents.
Best wishes,


Lesson 3
2 Dialogue
Read this dialogue between two friends, Steve and Jane.
STEVE: Hello, Jane. How was your summer vacation?
JANE: It was great, thanks. What about you?
STEVE: I had a good holiday, thanks. I'll tell you everything next time.
JANE: By the way, Bob sends his best wishes.
STEVE: Oh, that's nice of him. Well, I must be leaving now.
JANE: I must go too. See you soon. Bye.
STEVE: See you. Bye-bye.