健康管理会员手册:请问谁有高中英语教材中Unit1 The Summer Holidays这篇原文,请提供

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/07 11:31:18

The students are supposed to talk about their summer holidays with the beginning of introducing themselves. Then they can make a survey to get to know what they all have done in the holiday in the form of group ( which contains 4-6 students).
This lesson is the first lesson of the new term. And the most important point is that it is the first time that the students have met each other. So this is a good chance to get to know each other by introducing themselves. Meanwhile, the teacher can also get to know the students' ability to speak English. The teacher may teach the students how to greet and how to let others know you. Also, the students must have a lot of different experiences during the long summer holiday. Therefore, it is a good chance for them to understand what they each do during the holiday. The teacher can ask the students some general questions about their summer holidays. Such as, Did you enjoy your summer holidays? What did you do during your summer holidays? Where did you go in the holidays? Then the students can have group work or pair work---- they exchange their ideas about their summer holidays. The students ( in the form of group )can make a survey about their experiences. And then each group may choose one group leader to give the whole class a report about their group's summer holidays. The group leader may introduce it by using the third person. For example:
"Mary went to Shanghai during the summer holidays. She went to many places of great interests, such as …… She thought the most interesting part in her summer holidays was ……"
The survey is based on the questions of Part Two of the first lesson. The students can also ask some other questions if like. Or the teacher may ask the students to bring some photos that they took in the summer holidays and them show the photos to other students and explain what the photos were about. The teacher may set an example to the students first by showing her/his photos to the students and them the students may know what they are supposed to do.
After the introduction the students may play a game--- who can recall the other students' names and the student who can name the most students' names is the winner.