铃原爱蜜莉和老头的:你会写 你怎样度过周末 用英文的 8个句子以上

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/04 19:19:55
你会写 你怎样度过周末 用英文的 8个句子以上

What did you do during the weekeend?
How did you spend your weekend?
Anything interesting during the weekend?
Did you have fun this weekend?
What did you think of this weekend?
Tell me about your weekend
Was the weekend enjoyable?
Was the weekend good or bad?

How about your weekend?
How to spend your weekend?
What are you going to do this weekend?
What's your plan about this weekend?
Do you have any idea about your weekend?
How's yor weekend going?
What do you like to do at weekend?
What's going on at this weekend?