
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/08 07:04:51
While exchange rate flexibility by itself is hardly going to be a panacea, attaining monetary policy independence through greater flexibility will eventually remove an important shackle that has hindered financial sector reforms and restrained other key aspects of the move toward a more market-oriented economy. This will also provide a useful tool to deal with external shocks that China will increasingly become exposed to as it continues its integration with the world economy. Indeed, there is no looking back for China as its trade and financial linkages bind it ever more closely to economies both within and outside the Asian region. China’s rising prominence means that there is much at stake in the outcome of its reform efforts, not just for China but also for the Asian region and the world economy.






而灵活的汇率本身很难将灵丹妙药,实现独立的货币政策有更大的灵活性,通过最终消除束缚重要,阻碍金融业改革,抑制其它方面的重点将走向更多地以市场为导向的经济. 这也将有助于应付外来的冲击,中国将面临越来越成为它继续融入世界经济. 事实上,没有回头看中国的经济和贸易联系日益紧密,经济就具有内外亚洲地区. 中国日益显着,这意味着事关重大的改革努力的成果,不仅对中国,而且对亚洲地区和世界经济.