
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/02 20:36:51
A bomb ripped through a vegetable market in a Shiite section of Baghdad, and a leading Sunni politician escaped an attack on his convoy Thursday as at least 36 people were killed in unrelenting violence, pushing Iraq toward civil war. An aide助手, 副官, 侍从武官to Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, meanwhile, lashed out猛击, 急速甩动at Sunni, Kurdish库尔德人的and secular长期的 political leaders who have mounted a campaign to deny him another term, saying the Shiite United Iraqi alliance联盟, 联合 will not change its candidate.Al-Jaafari met with representatives of the main political parties Thursday night to discuss ways of containing the sectarian attacks, reversing相反的, 倒转的, 颠倒的an earlier decision to cancel the meeting after the move against him.The Iraqi government later announced a one-day ban on private vehicles in Baghdad and its outskirts aimed at averting转移violence on Friday, when Muslims attend the most important prayer service of the week.The ban will take effect when the overnight通宵的, 晚上的, 前夜的 curfew晚钟声, 打晚钟时刻, 宵禁令ends at 6 a.m. Friday and will last until 4 p.m., according to a statement issued by the prime minister's office. Police and army were instructed to seal off把...封锁起来the capital and seize any private vehicles that defy the ban.

炸弹洞穿了一个菜市场科巴格达什叶派、逊尼派领导人物逃脱攻击他的车队在星期四至少36人丧生的暴力不屈不挠,把对伊拉克的内战. 的幕僚助转手、8A.<官、侍从武官向首相易卜拉欣Jaafari,与此同时,严厉抨击教诲击、座右铭速甩动在逊尼派、库尔德族库尔hazard人的,并以世俗的长futures的政治领袖们发起了一场否认他另一个词,并称<什叶派United的伊拉克同盟联野茂、联合约而是不会改变其Candidate.al-Jaafari见了代表的主要政党星期四晚讨论种种方式,其中载有宗派主义的袭击,从而扭转corresponding反的、Slippage转的、 颠Slippage的较早决定取消了会见后的逆him.The伊政府晚些时候宣布了一个日间禁止私家车巴格达及其郊区旨在化解转移转暴力行为对星期五,当穆斯林人出席的最重要的祈祷中任职的人week.The禁令从通过之日起生效何时在一夜之间通电宵的、晚上市的、前挑灯的宵禁晚钟声、Slippage晚钟时刻、 禁制令宵结束星期五下午6时30分,将持续到4时30分,根据首相发表的声明 ' 办公. 警察和军队已奉命封锁::把包裹锁起来,抓住任何私人资本车辆无视禁令.