
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/04 23:10:36
Hundreds of Iraqis have been killed since the Feb. 22 bombing of a revered尊敬, 敬畏, 崇敬Shiite shrine神龟, 神殿, 神祠, 圣地 in Samarra unleashed释放 a wave sectarian violence. An extraordinary daytime curfew and vehicle restrictions helped curb the worst of the sectarian killing, but attacks continued this week.Adnan al-Dulaimi, a leader of the Sunni's largest parliamentary bloc, 为某种共同目的而采取一致行动的政治组织, 集团 escaped an assassination attempt Thursday because he already had sped away from the scene in another vehicle in his convoy护送, 护卫 after the car in which he had been riding got a flat tire. Gunmen opened fire on the disabled car, killing one of al-Dulaimi's bodyguards and wounding five others. The politician said he was not aware of the attack until he reached his office.The attack occurred a day after it was revealed展现, 显示, 揭示, 暴露that al-Dulaimi had joined with key Kurdish and secular politicians in agreeing Wednesday to ask the main Shiite bloc to withdraw收回, 撤消al-Jaafari's nomination for prime minister. Shiite officials confirmed receiving a letter Thursday asking them to put forward a new candidate.The bid出价, 投标, 祝愿, 命令, 吩咐 has raised a new hurdle篱笆, 栏, 障碍, 跨栏, 活动篱笆in U.S.-backed talks on an inclusive government, which broke down毁掉, 制服, 压倒, 停顿, 倒塌, 中止, 垮掉, 分解after the mosque attacks.The State Department said that overall talks on forming a new government were continuing, and deputy spokesman Adam Ereli called the move against al-Jaafari part of "rough粗糙的, 粗略的, 大致的, 粗野的, 粗暴的, 粗略叙述的-and-tumble"翻倒, 摔倒, 倒塌, 滚动, 翻筋斗, 仓惶地行动politics.Separately, 个别地a U.S. soldier was killed Wednesday during combat in Iraq's insurgency叛乱, 叛乱状态-ridden受折磨的, 受虐待的, Anbar province, the military reported Thursday. At least 2,296 members of the U.S. military have died since the war began in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count.Many Sunnis blame al-Jaafari for failing to rein缰绳, 统治, 支配in commandos突击队, 水陆装备突击队of the Shiite-led Interior Ministry alleged to have committed widespread human rights abuses against them. Kurds are angry at al-Jaafari for purportedly主旨v.声称dragging his heels on resolution坚定, 决心, 决定, 决议 of their claims (根据权利提出)要求, 要求权, 主张, 要求而得到的东西 around the oil-rich city of Kirkuk."We hold him responsible for all the lives that have been lost ... We don't think that al-Jaafari is the right prime minister for the very critical situation that Iraq" is going through, another leader of the Sunnis' largest parliamentary bloc, Tariq al-Hashimi, told AP Television News.Al-Jaafari adviser Haider al-Ibadi accused the prime minister's critics of trying to delay the formation of a new government, telling The Associated Press: "There are some elements who have personal differences with al-Jaafari."

已有数百名伊拉克人被打死2月22日以来的轰炸尊尊敬、畏敬、敬崇龟什叶派圣地神经,神经殿、神经祠,在圣government冒充药厂发动释宗派暴力浪潮. 白天不平凡的宵禁和限制车辆的最大宗派帮助制止杀戮,但这次攻击持续Week.adnan圣城自居,逊尼派领导人 ' 祖国大陆已成为台湾最大的议会集团,为某种共事连同目的而风采取循招致行动的government有钱人组织、洲团逃跑未遂谋杀星期四,因为他目前已接离现场,另一辆在他的车队护送达、护卫在车上,他已经骑得到轮胎. 枪手开火残疾人车,造成一对圣城自居 ' 中国保镖,另有5人受伤. <政治家说,他不知道这次攻击之前,他来到他office.The袭击发生后第二天,有人发现Expo现,显示,揭示,暴披露,圣城自居加入与关键库尔德和世俗政治家同意星期三要求主要什叶派阵营撤回收赎回、撤销消AlJaafari ' 被提名为总理的. 什叶派官员证实了接收的一封信中星期四,要求他们提出了一个新的candidate.The投标出价、investment标、祝愿、order、吩咐提出了新的Hurdle篱笆、栏、required碍、跨栏、prescribed动篱笆符合美国的支持的会谈的一个包容性的政府,打破了下来毁掉、囿要服务、压Slippage、停学顿、Slippage一塌糊涂、中止、垮掉、偏旁辩解后的所清真寺attacks.The美国国务院说,通盘会谈的形成了一个新政府仍在继续、 亚当斯和副发言人艾瑞里称逆AlJaafari部分 " 粗的粗糙,略粗的,兽医引致的,粗的野、粗暴的,略粗的叙述,以及--暴跌 " 推翻打倒,摔打倒,打倒一塌糊涂,滚动,推翻筋pipes,仓惶governmentpolitics.separately行动,有个别government星期三在美国士兵死于伊拉克战斗 ' 叛乱乱的,乱叛状态百出受的折磨,受要约的成语,安巴尔省的军事报告星期四. 至少有2296名美军丧生,因为这场战争始于2003年3月,根据美联社Count.many逊尼派怪AlJaafari未能约束缰绳,统学家、支付装配在突击队突击队,水蛭陆装备突击队的什叶派主导的内政部涉嫌犯下广泛的人权侵害他们. 库尔德人是气愤AlJaafari对据称主旨五声称拉拢他继在第坚定、决腹,决定、决议其债权(根据权利提出)要约求,要约求权,主张,要约求而得刚到的东中西左右,石油储量丰富的基尔库克. " 他认为,我们所有的生命负责,已经失去:: 我们穿上 ' t认为AlJaafari总理是正确的严峻考验伊拉克 " 正在经历另一逊尼派领导人 ' 议会大集团,TariqAlHashimi告诉美联社电视News.al-海德顾问BasharAlIbadi指责总理 ' 批评的企图拖延组建新政府,告诉美联社: " 有一些个人的差异与分子AlJaafari. "