
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 19:56:41
感恩的心 展开一张叫情感的纸,提起一支叫感激的笔,写写给我生命的父母,写写给我知识的老师,写写给我友谊的同学,写写我一颗热忱,感恩的心。 一个婴儿呱呱落地,一个宝宝快乐玩耍,一个学子踏上征途……这其中涌着多少热烈而含蓄的亲情! 当甜梦温馨美好时,当月亮皎洁迷人时,当花季斑斓溢香是,当前程锦绣坦荡时,带着倔强的我们在求知路上拼搏;当无情的风,无情的浪突然袭来,也许,只有悲观失望,只有忧愁叹息。这时,就是我们的父母让我们看见敢上青天的雄鹰,看见敢下大海的巨龙。让我们相信只是让生活欺骗了我们的心,让泪水模糊了我们的眼。告诉我们,风雨之后依然是晴天,月缺之后依然是月圆。是他们带我们走出了生命的误区,是他们教会我们向困难挑战,是他们让我们在失败之后,重新扬起生命的风帆! 当年的雏鹰面对蓝天,他们一无所知,心里藏满解不开的迷;如今,他们凭借着强劲的翅膀翱游天空,去寻找未知的答案。但不管他们飞得多高,飞得多远,一定不会忘记他们可爱的家,一定会感谢父母给他们的爱。 还记得你的第一个老师吗?还记得老师和你说的第一句话吗?还记得老师第一次教育你吗?为了那无数的第一次,匆匆架起心的小船,在大海里拼搏。几多付出,几多收获,在努力下,“心”的小船乘风破浪,驶向了我们的理想。在老师的帮助下,理想的庄园终于依稀可见了! 在人生的十字路口,是老师向我们伸出了热情的手,那手是路标,于是我们在彷徨中坚定,在思索中清醒。是老师让我们看见了广袤无垠的天空,是老师让我们看见了碧波荡漾的大海。老师的谆谆教诲化作了我们脑中的智慧,胸中的热血,外在的行为。在人生旅途中,是老师丰富了我们的心灵,开发了我们的智力;为我们点燃了希望的光芒,给我们插上了理想的翅膀,翱游在知识的海洋里。因为有老师的一片爱心的浇灌,一番耕耘的辛劳,才会有桃李的绚丽,稻麦的金黄。当我们变成翱翔在天空中的雄鹰,当我们变成游动在大海里的蛟龙,这都是老师的功劳,所以我们要用“心”来感谢老师。 良师,更不失为益友,难道不是吗? 一个人一生如果没有朋友,可以说什么都没有。而同学的同窗友情,多年来的朝夕相处,会在一瞬间爆发,一瞬间感动。几年,虽然只有短暂的一瞬间,可我们一起歌唱友爱,歌唱希望,歌唱拼搏,融进了深情厚意。 人们常说,战友与同学的友谊是世界上最诚挚最永恒的友谊,我们拥有其一,难道我们不应该幸福吗?难道我们不应该感谢同学们给了我们这样的友谊吗?人生的岁月是一串珍珠;漫长的岁月是一组乐曲,而同窗友情是其中最璀璨的珍珠,最精彩的乐章。 永远我都记得,在我肩上的双手,风起的时候有多么温热;永远我都记得,伴我成长的背影,用你沧桑的岁月,换我一生的幸福,快乐! 默默无闻育出桃李满天下,拳拳有志造就栋梁兴中华。在您的日历里只有春天,在您的人生里,只有为我们成长而萌生的喜悦。 朝霞中,我们携手进校,夕阳中,我们并肩回家;课堂上,有我们互助的身影,操场上,有我们欢快的足迹;比赛时,一个眼神,我们心领神会,实验时,一个手势,我们珠联合璧……多少个朝朝暮暮,沉淀了我们美好的情谊,留下了美好的回忆…… 我感谢我的父母,感谢我的老师,感谢我的同学,感谢他们给了我绚丽多彩的人生,感谢他们让我拥有一颗热忱,感恩的心!

Thanksgiving heart started feeling a paper called, called for the initiation of a pen, write a letter to the parents of my life, I wrote a letter to the teacher knowledge, the students write a letter to my friendship, I was deeply dedicated, thanks to the heart. One infant quack landing, a little happy to play, students on a journey : : How many of which Chung warm and implicit affection! When the sweet dream sweet beautiful, and when the moon glowing charming, and when someone is lurking Yixiang current Cheng Park magnanimous, with the stubborn fighting our knowledge on the road;
When the merciless winds and waves suddenly hit ruthless, perhaps, only apathy, only sad sigh. This is our parents to let us see the blue sky, the eagle, to see the sea dragon. Let us believe that life is only deceive our hearts so that our tears blurred eyes. Told us that after stormy weather remains, after the remains of missing Full Moon in the month. They took us out of a mistake in life, they taught us to the difficult challenges they let us in the wake of the failure to re-set the sailing life! Foal Eagle in the face of the blue sky, they know, although the last full heart Tibet;
Today, they rely on the strong wings 80th Tour sky to search for unknown answers. But whether they fly much higher, fly much farther away, will not forget their lovely home, they will certainly be grateful to the parents love. Remember your first teachers? You will recall that the first sentence of teachers and? Remember the first teacher education you? To the numerous first, the boat rushed up heart in the ocean fighting. How to pay, how to harvest, in their efforts, the "heart" of the boat ride, towards our ideal. With the help of the teachers, the ideal estate finally vaguely visible! At the crossroads of life, we extend a warm teacher to hand, it is hand signs, then the loss of our firm and clear in the thought that. Let us see that the teacher is vast and boundless sky, the teacher let us see rippling blue waves of the sea. Teachers teach wisdom teachings into our minds, hearts blood, external behaviour. Journey in life is enriched our souls teachers, the development of our intellectual;
We hope to ignite the light God has given us the ideal wings, hover swim in the sea of knowledge. Because of a caring teacher fed, some of the hard work will have the magnificent one's pupils, the golden wheat. When we become hover in the sky, the eagle, when we swim in the ocean into the sea, it is the teacher's credit, we have the "heart" to thank the teachers. Native Soil, be understood more, is it not? One's life without friends say nothing. And students schoolmate friendship for many years lived with him day and night, in the process broke out, suddenly moved. Years, although only a short moment, we love singing together, singing hoped that singing out, both into the profound sentiments of friendship. People often say that his friendship with the students is the most timeless of the world's most sincere friendship, and we have one, should we not be happy? Should we not be grateful to our students that friendship? Life years is a bunch of pearls;
The long years is a group of songs, and schoolmate friendship is the most splendid of pearls, the most exciting part. I will always remember, in my shoulders hands, the wind of time how hot;
I will always remember, I accompanied the growth provides some background, and use your vicissitudes years, for the happiness of my life, happy! Quiet cultivate a devoted, sincere people who pillars Hing China. Only in the spring of your calendar in your life, only to the growth of our profession and joy. Alpenglow, we work into the school, sunset, we side by side home;
Classroom, we have mutual aid on the scene, playground, we have a joyful footsteps;
Competition, a eyes, and we has a tacit understanding, experiment, a sign that we Chu joint Choi : : the number of man, sedimentation our beautiful friendship, left happy memories : : I thank my parents, to thank my teachers, for my students, I thank them for the glorious life, I thank them for having a warm, grateful heart!

thanks giving