
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/01 08:37:14
当今的社会!英语的学习越来越重要呢! 在许多小学就开设了英语课。很多孩子很早就开始学习它呢?可并不是很多人都能学好它。我认为学习一门知识 不及要学习 更重要的是要注意方法。只要我们有了适合自己的方法,不管学习什么都会有用的。
据我个人观点:首先,要重视在平时的学习,也就是在不知不觉中学习 。养成良好的学习习惯!在学英语时要眼到 口到 心到 手到。 久而久之我们就会得到很好的提高。
第二:就是要找到和自己一样喜欢学习英语的朋友。一个人学习是乏味的,要有人共同学习 共同进步。提高才会很快。如果有了良友的话 也可以和交流学习经验,和学习方法。在不懂的问题中也好向她请教。那样大家都会有所收益。
最后,我希望越来越多的人学好英语 用好英语。

The society that is nowadays!Is the study of English more and more important! Set up the English lesson in many primary schools.A lot of child very early start study it?Isn't many peoples can learn good it.I think to study a knowledge can not compare with to want to study more important to notice the method.As long as we had in keeping with own method, ignoring the study to can do everything the useful.
According to my personal standpoint:First, to value the study in peacetime, also is to study unconsciously.Develop the good study habit!Want that the eye to arrives the heart to arrive while learn English. As time passes we will get the good exaltation.
The second:Be to find out similar to oneself like to study English of friend.A personal study is dull, wanting someone common study common progress.The exaltation would be very quick.If had good friend and can also study the experience with exchanges, and study the method.Ask toward her all right in not understand of problem.So everyone will have the income.
The third:We study what the purpose of the thing is to use, so to become a good environment in the life, to have many persons to all speak the words of English.That still has what difficult!
End, I hope that more and more persons learn good English to use good English.

English learning becomes more and more important in now society. English classes open even in primary school. Children start to lean it at early age. But seldom people can be good at it. I think it is not the hard work but the way that is more important in learning. With the proper way, we can learn almost everything quickly.
In my opinion: first of all, we should pay more attention in everyday learning.That is to say, to learn in daily life. Form a good learning habit-- to learn with your mouth, heart and hands. You will make a progress after that.
The second, try to find a friend with the same interest of learning English with you. It is dull to learn oneself.

Now society! English study is more and more important! Has opened English class in many elementary schools. Very many children very already start to learn from it? May certainly not be very many people all can learn it. I thought studies a knowledge to be inferior to have to study more importantly must pay attention to the method. So long as we had have suited own method, no matter studied any to be able useful.
According to my viewpoint: First, must take in the usual study, also is in unconsciously center studies. Fosters the good study custom! When study English wants the eye to arrive in port to the heart to the hand. Gradually we can obtain the very good enhancement.
Second: Is must find the friend which equally likes with own studying English. A person study is tasteless, wants some people to study together progresses together. Enhances only then can be very quick. If had good friend's also to be allowed with the exchange learning experience, with study method. In the question is also good to her consults. Such everybody can have an income.
Third: We study the thing the goal are use, therefore must form a good environment in the life, must have many people all to speak English the speech. That also has any to be difficult!
Finally, I hoped more and more many people learn English to use English.

你看看怎么样 就是我的了吧

Now society! English study is more and more important! Has opened English class in many elementary schools. Very many children very already start to learn from it? May certainly not be very many people all can learn it. I thought studies a knowledge to be inferior to have to study more importantly must pay attention to the method. So long as we had have suited own method, no matter studied any to be able useful.
According to my viewpoint: First, must take in the usual study, also is in unconsciously center studies. Fosters the good study custom! When study English wants the eye to arrive in port to the heart to the hand. Gradually we can obtain the very good enhancement.
Second: Is must find the friend which equally likes with own studying English. A person study is tasteless, wants some people to study together progresses together. Enhances only then can be very quick. If had good friend's also to be allowed with the exchange learning experience, with study method. In the question is also good to her consults. Such everybody can have an income.
Third: We study the thing the goal are use, therefore must form a good environment in the life, must have many people all to speak English the speech. That also has any to be difficult! Finally, I hoped more and more many people learn English to use English.
哎,楼上的太不厚道了,人家才一级,没那么多分啊, 能帮人就帮人了

