
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/05 12:31:28


欧盟通行一种标准的简历模板 Europass CV。

可以从http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/documents/curriculum-vitae/examples上下载到26种语言的Europass CV模板,其中也包括英文。

在英文版的Europass CV指导“Europass_CV_Instructions_EN”中,给出提示:

在英文版的Europass CV示例“Europass-CV-Example-1-en_IE”中,给出范例:

就是说,爱尔兰人应该填写 Irish,而非Ireland。


(1) Nationality of the People's Republic of China (简称Nationality of China)
(2) Chinese Nationality
(1) China (即Nationality of China)
(2)Chinese (即Chinese Nationality)
但是最好填China,如果还是不放心就填P.R. China



chinese 是正确的,至少我每次在法国签英国,签证处给的的样本上是用的形容词french(给法国人看得)。

None of the above is correct.

Chinese refers to your racial background. I am a Chinese, but my nationality is Canada.

In united nations, it is China. See the link:

In North America, like USA and Canada, the code we use for your nationality is POC (People's Republic of China). I don't know why they don't use PRC.

The term language POC is politically not correct. They choose not to use China, but POC, for a reason.

Updated on August 28:
Taiwan is Taiwan. Taiwan is Republic of China, not POC. Because of political reasons, Taiwan is not allowed to use Republic of China.

US and Canadian governments internally use POC for political reasons, and these reasons are very wrong. First, they don't call us China, and second, they take away the R (Republic), referring to our country is not a democratic country.

Nationality means citizenship of country. Strictly political, Chinese may be Chinese in China or Chinese in Malaysia or Chinese in Canada.

The only correct answer should be China.