
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/02 18:51:16
********** S3 GRAPHICS SETUP LOG - Started 2006/08/23 14:02:49 **********

***** Please scroll to the end of *****
***** this document for the results. *****

S3Iset32 v2.00.23-1018B, (S3GSetup/IS10 2.00.23-1018B)
System: Win XP SP2 Build 2600 (Service Pack 2)
Signature: 15-9956 (ANSI)
Caller cmdline: ''
SupportDir: 'C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\S3M7F.tmp\'
Called by custom setup app.
AllowReboot: TRUE
Prompt: TRUE
SilentReboot: TRUE
Prompt: FALSE
PreInstFiles: FALSE
No UI Reboot: FALSE
MenuAnimOff: FALSE
MenuShadowOff: FALSE
Find VendorID: 5333
Driver INF at: C:\Program Files\显卡驱动\K8M800_16944444_XP_wIShld_logod\uc03i.inf
Find hardware code->0
Custom uninstall info: C:\WINDOWS\UChromeP.uns
Hardware found - Ven:1106 Dev:7205 Ssven:1106 Ssdev:7205 Rev:01 Location: bus 1 dev 0 func 0 (InVga=0)

************** Begin Win2K/XP Driver Install **************
Enum GUID {4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} devs to match 'PCI\VEN_1106&DEV_7205&SUBSYS_72051106&REV_01':
#0 Inst=000016DC 'PCI\VEN_1106&DEV_7205&SUBSYS_72051106&REV_01\4&8CA73A7&0&0008'
Reg Location: PCI 总线 1、设备 0、功能 0
Found Inst=PCI\VEN_1106&DEV_7205&SUBSYS_72051106&REV_01\4&8CA73A7&0&0008.
Found Mfg line: 'VIA.Mfg'.
Ln 0: 'viagfx_3204,PCI\VEN_1106&DEV_3108'

!! INF does not describe detected hardware!!
Device or vendor ID (or subsystem) mismatch!!

StopTimer OK, but no timer action occurred.
-> Setup was unable to complete the installation.

-> 安装程序无法完成安装。请查看 Windows 目录下的进度日志文件了解详细信息。 (-5)->C:\WINDOWS\s3iscfg.log
** Installation Failed **
!! Setup was aborted !!
******** End of progress log ********

S3 GRAPHICS SETUP LOG - Started 2006/08/23 14:02:49
这个信息告诉我 你所安装的不是 VIA 的显示卡芯片驱动 而是S3 的