
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 17:35:11
Likewise, it has faith that inasmuch as the apparently familiar frequently harbors untapped nuance and unanticipated content, such discreet revelations will not be lost on anyone inclined to pay close attention.


In sum, the 52. International Art Exhibition will show many things but make no single argument from the aggregate they compose. Rather than invoking previous cultural imperatives or conjuring new curatorial ones, the 52. International Art Exhibition seeks first and foremost to recognize art’s manifold qualities, methods and purposes. It also wishes to accent the simultaneity of their claims on an audience alert to its own variousness as well as to the multi-dimensional character of each of its members. It takes for granted that everyone possesses the ability to rise to the exigencies of the unfamiliar. Likewise, it has faith that inasmuch as the apparently familiar frequently harbors untapped nuance and unanticipated content, such discreet revelations will not be lost on anyone inclined to pay close attention.



而且, 它有信心因如显然熟悉人时常港塞子未开的配色和未预料到的满足又如此小心的揭露将不被在任何人之上遗失之故使支付密切的注意倾向。

同样, 它有的信念由于明显熟悉频繁地怀有未利用的细微差异和意外的内容, 这样谨慎揭示不会丢失在任何人倾斜给予密切的关注