我在夜店当保安 目录:电脑每次开机一会就会出现“run-time error6”的提示,但是关闭窗口后又不会有什么影响,是什么问题啊?

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/04 03:57:14
是出现的“run-time error 6,overflow,立即结束”的对话框,数字有时会变换

Runtime是运行时的意思,Runtime Error就是运行时错误,就是在运行期间出现的错误。

webopedia 关于 运行时错误的定义:


An error that occurs during the execution of a program. In contrast, compile-time errors occur while a program is being compiled. Runtime errors indicate bugs in the program or problems that the designers had anticipated but could do nothing about. For example, running out of memory will often cause a runtime error.(运行时错误是程序执行期间发生的错误,它不同于编译期间发生的错误.运行时错误可能是程序中的毛病引起的,也可能程序并无错误,例如机器存储器不够引起)

Note that runtime errors differ from bombs or crashes in that you can often recover gracefully from a runtime error.(运行时错误不同于炸弹或系统垮掉,运行时错误一般不影响操作系统运行)

