我说no why外国人笑了:Chris Brown的资料 多谢!!

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/03 03:32:53


生日 / 1989年5月5日
星座 / 金牛座
偶像 / 麦可杰克森、马文盖、亚瑟小子、史提夫汪达还有我的妈咪等
梦中情人 / 我所有的女粉丝
梦幻合作 / 碧昂丝、席亚拉、亚瑟小子、麦可杰克森、五角
第一次约会 / 带她去吃任何她想吃的东西,然后看场电影,接著去海边散步,在送她回家的时候轻轻地吻她一下
休闲 / 篮球、睡觉、跳舞、趴踢/讲电话
兄弟姐妹 / 一个妹妹
最酷地方 / 洛杉矶、迈阿密和亚特兰大
形容自己 / 外向活泼、幽默风趣、迷人且富吸引力
歌手之外的愿望 / 打打篮球或是当个普通人
幸运物 / 我的妈妈
车款 / Shelby Cobra和黑色的Range Rover
上学 / 捣蛋鬼(也会像小丑一样搞笑),但我都会把功课作好!
食物 / 草莓起司蛋糕
饮料 / Gatorade/ Powerade(运动饮料)
运动 / 篮球、美式足球
球队 / 迈阿密热火队、亚特兰大猎鹰队(美式足球)
电玩 / Grand Theft Auto
衣服 / Bathing Ape (日系猿人品牌)
科目 / 数学、生物
零嘴 / 巧克力




刚听到克里斯16岁的歌声,你会不禁联想到几位也是年纪轻轻就出道的歌手:麦可杰克森(Michael Jackson)、泰文坎贝尔(Tevin Campbell)以及亚瑟小子(Usher)。但再继续听下去之后,这些歌手的影子会逐渐地从你脑海中褪去,克里斯的个人特色会愈形清晰地浮上台面。当然啦,这些前辈歌手还是对克里斯有所启发,但是克里斯在歌坛绝对拥有自己的特殊风格、味道以及定位。


从专辑中所选出的首支单曲-Scott Storch制作的 “RUN IT”,请到了朱尔斯山塔纳(Juelz Santana)跨刀,这首让人难以抗拒的轻快舞曲有著相当吸引人的旋律段落。「这首歌基本上是在跟一个女孩子说:『如果你是自己来玩的,请告诉我要如何赢得你的芳心,但要是你男朋友也在现场,那请先通知一声。』所以基本上这首歌的内容是关於采取行动、往前冲、做你想做的事之类的感觉。」

在有些自夸意味的 “GIMME THAT” 里,克里斯夸耀自己的丰功伟业好让对方爱上他:「这首歌描写的是我对一个女孩的示爱方式,就是那种典型的有点自夸但是不会太过分的样子,我告诉那个可能比我大的女孩说:『你可能比我大三岁,但你好辣,给我你的爱』。」

由The Underdogs制作,并且在曲中插入一段Blue Magic在1970年代的经典作“Side Show”旋律的 “YOUNG LOVE”,谈到的是长久以来经常在流行歌曲中出现的主题-年轻人的恋情。「这首歌会成为新一代青少年的国歌。」克里斯表示,「即使一对青少年恋人真的深爱对方,老一辈的人还是会质疑说:『爱?你们甚至连可以在晚上自己出门的年纪都还不到!』但他们不了解像我们这样年纪的孩子真的已经对爱情有感觉了,所以这首歌基本上是在告诉上一辈的人说尽管我们还很年轻,但我们还是深爱著彼此。我想所有青少年都可以从中得到共鸣。」

制作人Dre 与 Vidal连袂制作了有著愉悦曲调的 “YO”,这首歌讲的是关於一个男孩看到一个让他无法轻易错过的漂亮女孩的主题。「这首歌是关於一个你可能会在派对上或是在购物中心里看到的女孩,你会告诉你的哥儿们:『我要去跟她搭讪。』但你根本连她叫什麼名字都不知道,所以你只好走上前对她说:『Yo!』。」

但是当克里斯说“YO” 的时候,他彷佛给予这个语助词一个全新的意义、全新的深度,以及全新的感觉。克里斯的歌声既新鲜又具吸引力,既充满灵魂味又轻快飞扬,他以情感裹住每一句歌词,注入适量的热情和愉悦,并在适当的时机鲜明展现自己的风采。

从展示高难度技巧的 “YOUR MAN AIN’T ME” 到温柔沉稳的“IS THIS LOVE” (两首歌都是由The Underdogs制作的),再到淘气的 “POPPIN”(一首歌颂一个年轻女孩出众仪表的歌曲),克里斯布朗探索了青少年男孩生命中的各种多姿多彩面向以及对爱情的想法,以既不幼稚也不煽情的方式适切地表达出来。「你不会想以性感过头的形象出道。」他解释道,「我还年轻,我希望能够同时吸引到跟我年龄相佛以及比我年长的歌迷。我可以有时间跟我的听众一起成长,这样等我20岁的时候我就可以展现出不同的形象。现在的我并不想表现得太小孩子气,但也不想表现出太过超龄成熟的样子。」


克里斯从小就开始接触音乐,他说因为父母亲“兼容并蓄”的音乐品味启发了他对各种不同音乐类型的喜爱,在成长过程里他沉浸在他最喜欢的艺人像是:麦可杰克森、山姆库克(Sam Cooke)、史提夫汪达(Stevie Wonder)、唐尼海瑟威(Donnie Hathaway)、安妮塔贝克(Anita Baker)以及艾瑞莎富兰克林(Aretha Franklin)…等人的作品中。

但,就像很多年轻男孩一样,克里斯很快地就被饶舌音乐所吸引,他立志要成为第一位让Tappahannock 出名的MC。「我本来在学饶舌,」克里斯回忆道,「一直到我11、12岁的时候,我才知道我可以唱歌。我妈听到我在家里唱歌,她就跟我说:『你还真能唱耶!』所以我就开始在学校里唱歌给女孩子听。」




He’s a lot like the 16-year-old boy living in the house next door to you: one minute he’s five-foot-seven, the next he’s 6’1. One minute he’s a cute little boy trying to dribble a basketball, the next a superstar point guard. One minute he’s ducking under the covers pleading for five more minutes of shut-eye, the next he’s racing through a day full of recording, performances and interviews.

With his easy-going demeanor and schoolboy charm, Chris Brown could easily be somebody that you know. With his incredible voice and a debut cd laced with clever lyrics, hypnotic tracks and impeccable vocals, he’s someone that the world will soon know.

Chris isn’t part of some A-list producer’s camp. Nor does he hail from any of those famous urban music hubs like NYC, Compton or the ATL. Straight from Tappahannock, VA --- population 2000 – Chris Brown proves that real talent, persistence and charisma still have a place in the music industry.

One listen to Chris’ 16-year-old voice and you’re tempted to draw comparisons: Michael Jackson, Tevin Campbell, and Usher. But listen a bit longer and those comparisons begin to dissipate as it becomes clear that, while Chris certainly channels the creativity of those who have come before him, he definitely has a style, a flavor and a place in music that are all his own.

His debut CD Young Love takes us on a journey through the malls, parties and teen hangouts as Chris covers a variety of subjects: A girl that he’s dying to hit the dance floor with. A girl that’s got another man. A girl that has him totally and completely head over heels in love. It’s an album about young boys, young girls -- young love.

The first single, the Scott Storch-produced “Run It,” is an irresistible up-tempo dance joint with an attention-grabbing hook. “It’s basically saying to a girl ‘If you’re at the party by yourself, show me how you get down but if your man’s here, tell me first. So basically it’s talking about runnin’ it. Go ahead, do your thing.”

The slightly braggadocios “Gimme That” finds Chris running down his credentials to a hottie. “It’s just explaining how I’m coming out, the typical bragging about yourself a little bit but not too much and telling the girl who might be older than you ‘You may be three years older , but you hot, Gimme that.’”

The title track, which was produced by The Underdogs and includes an interpolation of Blue Magic’s 70s classic “Side Show,” addresses the age-old issue of puppy love. “This song is going to be the new teenage anthem,” says Chris. “Even when teenagers really are in love with each other a lot of older people are like ‘Love? You’re barely old enough to go outside at night!’ But what they don’t know is that kids our age really do have feelings for each other so this song is basically telling older people that even though we’re young, we still love each other. I think all the teenagers can relate to it.”

Producers Dre and Vidal serve it up on the melodically pleasing “Yo,” a song simply about a boy seeing a beautiful girl that he can’t allow to escape his grasp. “It’s about a girl that you maybe saw at a party or at a mall. You’re telling your boys, ‘I need to holla at her’ but you don’t know her name and you just say ‘Yo!’”

But when Chris Brown says ‘yo’ it’s as if he gives new meaning, new depth and whole new feeling to the word. Chris’ vocals are fresh and inviting, soulful and soaring. He wraps his emotions around each and every lyric and adds the right amount of passion, fun and swagger at just the right time.

From the vocally acrobatic “Your Man Ain’t Me” to the tender, ponderous “Is This Love” (both produced by The Underdogs) to the naughty ‘Poppin’ (a tribute to a young lady’s physical attributes), Chris Brown explores the many colors of life and love as a teenage boy and he does so without being too infantile or too raunchy. “You don’t want to come out too sexual,” he explains. “I’m young. I want to appeal to people my age as well as older people. This gives me time to grow with my audience so I can make that change when I’m about 20. But for right now I don’t wanna be too kiddie but I don’t wanna be too grown.”

In selecting songs for Young Love, Chris said he simply relied on his own sense of what was hot and what was real for him and his peers. “When I hear these songs, I feel something. I know I can relate to them. I take myself out of the artist box and I become an audience member and I critique myself.”

Chris got his musical initiation early on, inspired by what he refers to as the “eclectic” taste of his parents and soaking in the sounds of his favorites: Michael Jackson, Sam Cooke, Stevie Wonder, Donnie Hathaway, Anita Baker, and Aretha Franklin.

But, like most young boys, Chris was soon drawn to rap and was certain that he would be the first emcee to put Tappahannock on the map. “I was rapping,” he recalls. “I didn’t understand that I could sing until I was like 11 or 12. My mom heard me singing around the house and she said, ‘What are you doing? You really can sing!’ So then I started going to school and singing to the girls.”

By the time he was 13, Chris realized that his voice was more than just a chick magnet. And so did his mother as he began to hook his son up with various producers. “When I went in and started working, there were ups and downs but I loved it and I knew I wanted to do it for the rest of my life.”

And the rest of his life is off to a great start. Chris Brown comes to the music industry fully-loaded as not only a talented vocalist, but a versatile songwriter, an amazing dancer and a blossoming young businessman who has learned the many intricacies of the music industry. Still, he enjoys a rousing game of basketball and, despite his demanding career, he says. “I still hate waking up.”

Chris may still be a lot like the boy who lives next door to you. But not really. You’ll see.


Chris Brown


生日 / 1989年5月5日
星座 / 金牛座
偶像 / 麦可杰克森、马文盖、亚瑟小子、史提夫汪达还有我的妈咪等
梦中情人 / 我所有的女粉丝
梦幻合作 / 碧昂丝、席亚拉、亚瑟小子、麦可杰克森、五角
第一次约会 / 带她去吃任何她想吃的东西,然后看场电影,接著去海边散步,在送她回家的时候轻轻地吻她一下
休闲 / 篮球、睡觉、跳舞、趴踢/讲电话
兄弟姐妹 / 一个妹妹
最酷地方 / 洛杉矶、迈阿密和亚特兰大
形容自己 / 外向活泼、幽默风趣、迷人且富吸引力
歌手之外的愿望 / 打打篮球或是当个普通人
幸运物 / 我的妈妈
车款 / Shelby Cobra和黑色的Range Rover
上学 / 捣蛋鬼(也会像小丑一样搞笑),但我都会把功课作好!
食物 / 草莓起司蛋糕
饮料 / Gatorade/ Powerade(运动饮料)
运动 / 篮球、美式足球
球队 / 迈阿密热火队、亚特兰大猎鹰队(美式足球)
电玩 / Grand Theft Auto
衣服 / Bathing Ape (日系猿人品牌)
科目 / 数学、生物
零嘴 / 巧克力




刚听到克里斯16岁的歌声,你会不禁联想到几位也是年纪轻轻就出道的歌手:麦可杰克森(Michael Jackson)、泰文坎贝尔(Tevin Campbell)以及亚瑟小子(Usher)。但再继续听下去之后,这些歌手的影子会逐渐地从你脑海中褪去,克里斯的个人特色会愈形清晰地浮上台面。当然啦,这些前辈歌手还是对克里斯有所启发,但是克里斯在歌坛绝对拥有自己的特殊风格、味道以及定位。


从专辑中所选出的首支单曲-Scott Storch制作的 “RUN IT”,请到了朱尔斯山塔纳(Juelz Santana)跨刀,这首让人难以抗拒的轻快舞曲有著相当吸引人的旋律段落。「这首歌基本上是在跟一个女孩子说:『如果你是自己来玩的,请告诉我要如何赢得你的芳心,但要是你男朋友也在现场,那请先通知一声。』所以基本上这首歌的内容是关於采取行动、往前冲、做你想做的事之类的感觉。」

在有些自夸意味的 “GIMME THAT” 里,克里斯夸耀自己的丰功伟业好让对方爱上他:「这首歌描写的是我对一个女孩的示爱方式,就是那种典型的有点自夸但是不会太过分的样子,我告诉那个可能比我大的女孩说:『你可能比我大三岁,但你好辣,给我你的爱』。」

由The Underdogs制作,并且在曲中插入一段Blue Magic在1970年代的经典作“Side Show”旋律的 “YOUNG LOVE”,谈到的是长久以来经常在流行歌曲中出现的主题-年轻人的恋情。「这首歌会成为新一代青少年的国歌。」克里斯表示,「即使一对青少年恋人真的深爱对方,老一辈的人还是会质疑说:『爱?你们甚至连可以在晚上自己出门的年纪都还不到!』但他们不了解像我们这样年纪的孩子真的已经对爱情有感觉了,所以这首歌基本上是在告诉上一辈的人说尽管我们还很年轻,但我们还是深爱著彼此。我想所有青少年都可以从中得到共鸣。」

制作人Dre 与 Vidal连袂制作了有著愉悦曲调的 “YO”,这首歌讲的是关於一个男孩看到一个让他无法轻易错过的漂亮女孩的主题。「这首歌是关於一个你可能会在派对上或是在购物中心里看到的女孩,你会告诉你的哥儿们:『我要去跟她搭讪。』但你根本连她叫什麼名字都不知道,所以你只好走上前对她说:『Yo!』。」

但是当克里斯说“YO” 的时候,他彷佛给予这个语助词一个全新的意义、全新的深度,以及全新的感觉。克里斯的歌声既新鲜又具吸引力,既充满灵魂味又轻快飞扬,他以情感裹住每一句歌词,注入适量的热情和愉悦,并在适当的时机鲜明展现自己的风采。

从展示高难度技巧的 “YOUR MAN AIN’T ME” 到温柔沉稳的“IS THIS LOVE” (两首歌都是由The Underdogs制作的),再到淘气的 “POPPIN”(一首歌颂一个年轻女孩出众仪表的歌曲),克里斯布朗探索了青少年男孩生命中的各种多姿多彩面向以及对爱情的想法,以既不幼稚也不煽情的方式适切地表达出来。「你不会想以性感过头的形象出道。」他解释道,「我还年轻,我希望能够同时吸引到跟我年龄相佛以及比我年长的歌迷。我可以有时间跟我的听众一起成长,这样等我20岁的时候我就可以展现出不同的形象。现在的我并不想表现得太小孩子气,但也不想表现出太过超龄成熟的样子。」


克里斯从小就开始接触音乐,他说因为父母亲“兼容并蓄”的音乐品味启发了他对各种不同音乐类型的喜爱,在成长过程里他沉浸在他最喜欢的艺人像是:麦可杰克森、山姆库克(Sam Cooke)、史提夫汪达(Stevie Wonder)、唐尼海瑟威(Donnie Hathaway)、安妮塔贝克(Anita Baker)以及艾瑞莎富兰克林(Aretha Franklin)…等人的作品中。

但,就像很多年轻男孩一样,克里斯很快地就被饶舌音乐所吸引,他立志要成为第一位让Tappahannock 出名的MC。「我本来在学饶舌,」克里斯回忆道,「一直到我11、12岁的时候,我才知道我可以唱歌。我妈听到我在家里唱歌,她就跟我说:『你还真能唱耶!』所以我就开始在学校里唱歌给女孩子听。」







刚听到克里斯16岁的歌声,你会不禁联想到几位也是年纪轻轻就出道的歌手:麦可杰克森(Michael Jackson)、泰文坎贝尔(Tevin Campbell)以及亚瑟小子(Usher)。但再继续听下去之后,这些歌手的影子会逐渐地从你脑海中褪去,克里斯的个人特色会愈形清晰地浮上台面。当然啦,这些前辈歌手还是对克里斯有所启发,但是克里斯在歌坛绝对拥有自己的特殊风格、味道以及定位。


从专辑中所选出的首支单曲-Scott Storch制作的 “RUN IT”,请到了朱尔斯山塔纳(Juelz Santana)跨刀,这首让人难以抗拒的轻快舞曲有著相当吸引人的旋律段落。「这首歌基本上是在跟一个女孩子说:『如果你是自己来玩的,请告诉我要如何赢得你的芳心,但要是你男朋友也在现场,那请先通知一声。』所以基本上这首歌的内容是关於采取行动、往前冲、做你想做的事之类的感觉。」

在有些自夸意味的 “GIMME THAT” 里,克里斯夸耀自己的丰功伟业好让对方爱上他:「这首歌描写的是我对一个女孩的示爱方式,就是那种典型的有点自夸但是不会太过分的样子,我告诉那个可能比我大的女孩说:『你可能比我大三岁,但你好辣,给我你的爱』。」

由The Underdogs制作,并且在曲中插入一段Blue Magic在1970年代的经典作“Side Show”旋律的 “YOUNG LOVE”,谈到的是长久以来经常在流行歌曲中出现的主题-年轻人的恋情。「这首歌会成为新一代青少年的国歌。」克里斯表示,「即使一对青少年恋人真的深爱对方,老一辈的人还是会质疑说:『爱?你们甚至连可以在晚上自己出门的年纪都还不到!』但他们不了解像我们这样年纪的孩子真的已经对爱情有感觉了,所以这首歌基本上是在告诉上一辈的人说尽管我们还很年轻,但我们还是深爱著彼此。我想所有青少年都可以从中得到共鸣。」

制作人Dre 与 Vidal连袂制作了有著愉悦曲调的 “YO”,这首歌讲的是关於一个男孩看到一个让他无法轻易错过的漂亮女孩的主题。「这首歌是关於一个你可能会在派对上或是在购物中心里看到的女孩,你会告诉你的哥儿们:『我要去跟她搭讪。』但你根本连她叫什麼名字都不知道,所以你只好走上前对她说:『Yo!』。」

但是当克里斯说“YO” 的时候,他彷佛给予这个语助词一个全新的意义、全新的深度,以及全新的感觉。克里斯的歌声既新鲜又具吸引力,既充满灵魂味又轻快飞扬,他以情感裹住每一句歌词,注入适量的热情和愉悦,并在适当的时机鲜明展现自己的风采。

从展示高难度技巧的 “YOUR MAN AIN’T ME” 到温柔沉稳的“IS THIS LOVE” (两首歌都是由The Underdogs制作的),再到淘气的 “POPPIN”(一首歌颂一个年轻女孩出众仪表的歌曲),克里斯布朗探索了青少年男孩生命中的各种多姿多彩面向以及对爱情的想法,以既不幼稚也不煽情的方式适切地表达出来。「你不会想以性感过头的形象出道。」他解释道,「我还年轻,我希望能够同时吸引到跟我年龄相佛以及比我年长的歌迷。我可以有时间跟我的听众一起成长,这样等我20岁的时候我就可以展现出不同的形象。现在的我并不想表现得太小孩子气,但也不想表现出太过超龄成熟的样子。」


克里斯从小就开始接触音乐,他说因为父母亲“兼容并蓄”的音乐品味启发了他对各种不同音乐类型的喜爱,在成长过程里他沉浸在他最喜欢的艺人像是:麦可杰克森、山姆库克(Sam Cooke)、史提夫汪达(Stevie Wonder)、唐尼海瑟威(Donnie Hathaway)、安妮塔贝克(Anita Baker)以及艾瑞莎富兰克林(Aretha Franklin)…等人的作品中。

但,就像很多年轻男孩一样,克里斯很快地就被饶舌音乐所吸引,他立志要成为第一位让Tappahannock 出名的MC。「我本来在学饶舌,」克里斯回忆道,「一直到我11、12岁的时候,我才知道我可以唱歌。我妈听到我在家里唱歌,她就跟我说:『你还真能唱耶!』所以我就开始在学校里唱歌给女孩子听。」




He’s a lot like the 16-year-old boy living in the house next door to you: one minute he’s five-foot-seven, the next he’s 6’1. One minute he’s a cute little boy trying to dribble a basketball, the next a superstar point guard. One minute he’s ducking under the covers pleading for five more minutes of shut-eye, the next he’s racing through a day full of recording, performances and interviews.

With his easy-going demeanor and schoolboy charm, Chris Brown could easily be somebody that you know. With his incredible voice and a debut cd laced with clever lyrics, hypnotic tracks and impeccable vocals, he’s someone that the world will soon know.

Chris isn’t part of some A-list producer’s camp. Nor does he hail from any of those famous urban music hubs like NYC, Compton or the ATL. Straight from Tappahannock, VA --- population 2000 – Chris Brown proves that real talent, persistence and charisma still have a place in the music industry.

One listen to Chris’ 16-year-old voice and you’re tempted to draw comparisons: Michael Jackson, Tevin Campbell, and Usher. But listen a bit longer and those comparisons begin to dissipate as it becomes clear that, while Chris certainly channels the creativity of those who have come before him, he definitely has a style, a flavor and a place in music that are all his own.

His debut CD Young Love takes us on a journey through the malls, parties and teen hangouts as Chris covers a variety of subjects: A girl that he’s dying to hit the dance floor with. A girl that’s got another man. A girl that has him totally and completely head over heels in love. It’s an album about young boys, young girls -- young love.

The first single, the Scott Storch-produced “Run It,” is an irresistible up-tempo dance joint with an attention-grabbing hook. “It’s basically saying to a girl ‘If you’re at the party by yourself, show me how you get down but if your man’s here, tell me first. So basically it’s talking about runnin’ it. Go ahead, do your thing.”

The slightly braggadocios “Gimme That” finds Chris running down his credentials to a hottie. “It’s just explaining how I’m coming out, the typical bragging about yourself a little bit but not too much and telling the girl who might be older than you ‘You may be three years older , but you hot, Gimme that.’”

The title track, which was produced by The Underdogs and includes an interpolation of Blue Magic’s 70s classic “Side Show,” addresses the age-old issue of puppy love. “This song is going to be the new teenage anthem,” says Chris. “Even when teenagers really are in love with each other a lot of older people are like ‘Love? You’re barely old enough to go outside at night!’ But what they don’t know is that kids our age really do have feelings for each other so this song is basically telling older people that even though we’re young, we still love each other. I think all the teenagers can relate to it.”

Producers Dre and Vidal serve it up on the melodically pleasing “Yo,” a song simply about a boy seeing a beautiful girl that he can’t allow to escape his grasp. “It’s about a girl that you maybe saw at a party or at a mall. You’re telling your boys, ‘I need to holla at her’ but you don’t know her name and you just say ‘Yo!’”

But when Chris Brown says ‘yo’ it’s as if he gives new meaning, new depth and whole new feeling to the word. Chris’ vocals are fresh and inviting, soulful and soaring. He wraps his emotions around each and every lyric and adds the right amount of passion, fun and swagger at just the right time.

From the vocally acrobatic “Your Man Ain’t Me” to the tender, ponderous “Is This Love” (both produced by The Underdogs) to the naughty ‘Poppin’ (a tribute to a young lady’s physical attributes), Chris Brown explores the many colors of life and love as a teenage boy and he does so without being too infantile or too raunchy. “You don’t want to come out too sexual,” he explains. “I’m young. I want to appeal to people my age as well as older people. This gives me time to grow with my audience so I can make that change when I’m about 20. But for right now I don’t wanna be too kiddie but I don’t wanna be too grown.”

In selecting songs for Young Love, Chris said he simply relied on his own sense of what was hot and what was real for him and his peers. “When I hear these songs, I feel something. I know I can relate to them. I take myself out of the artist box and I become an audience member and I critique myself.”

Chris got his musical initiation early on, inspired by what he refers to as the “eclectic” taste of his parents and soaking in the sounds of his favorites: Michael Jackson, Sam Cooke, Stevie Wonder, Donnie Hathaway, Anita Baker, and Aretha Franklin.

But, like most young boys, Chris was soon drawn to rap and was certain that he would be the first emcee to put Tappahannock on the map. “I was rapping,” he recalls. “I didn’t understand that I could sing until I was like 11 or 12. My mom heard me singing around the house and she said, ‘What are you doing? You really can sing!’ So then I started going to school and singing to the girls.”

By the time he was 13, Chris realized that his voice was more than just a chick magnet. And so did his mother as he began to hook his son up with various producers. “When I went in and started working, there were ups and downs but I loved it and I knew I wanted to do it for the rest of my life.”

And the rest of his life is off to a great start. Chris Brown comes to the music industry fully-loaded as not only a talented vocalist, but a versatile songwriter, an amazing dancer and a blossoming young businessman who has learned the many intricacies of the music industry. Still, he enjoys a rousing game of basketball and, despite his demanding career, he says. “I still hate waking up.”

Chris may still be a lot like the boy who lives next door to you. But not really. You’ll see.