
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/06 17:24:40
魁北克省(Quebec)是加拿大面积最大的省,总面积为154万680平方公里,人口约733万人,80%的人口为法国后裔,是北美地区的法国文化中心。按地形划分,魁北克分为三部分:圣罗伦斯河(St Lawrence River)以北的山区和高地,约占全省土地的五分四;东面的Gaspe半岛;西面的圣罗伦斯低地(St Lawrence Lowlands),乃一肥沃的三角洲,著名的满地可(Montreal)就在这里。

Quebec,the largest province in Canada, whose area accounts for 1.54 million and 684 kilometresquares ,has a population of 7.33 million around, in which the French-Canadian ranks 80 percent. It is French culture center in north-America district. Quebec can be devided into 3 parts by the means of geography: mount district and eminence, northern of St Lawrence River, which occupy four fifth of the province; Oriental Gaspe peninsula; St Lawrence Lowlands, a fertilizing delta in west of the province ,owning the world famous Montreal.