
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/05 21:30:36
我是一名CCIE及Autodesk CAD认证获得者,在国内某大型电信公司有4年工作经验,而且英文水平较高(自我估计考IELTS平均得6.5分以上没问题),兼会一些法语(基本可以应付日常交流),最近我有移民加拿大的想法。但是我当初大学毕业时获得的是理学学士学位,后来又在职攻读了一个工学硕士,而据我所知,要通过加拿大CCPE的评估,需要的是工学学士学位。像我这种情况是不是几乎没有希望成功了呢?我是不是要马上去补修一个工学学士学位?但是函授的学士学位 CCPE认可吗?

Let me earn your 10 points. I am an overseas Chinese now working for the Canadian government and I know the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act inside out. You can refer to this web site for details: http://www.cic.gc.ca/.

In a nutshell, all independent applicants require the following credentials:

1. Education. You have a masters degree, so you will score high points. Your major does not matter, as long as your degree is recognized. You do not need a master in engineering.

2. Age. I assume you score full points.

3. Employment experience. You are about 1 to 2 years short, so won't score full, but still high enough points.

4. Adjustment, which is very subjective and is controlled by the immigration officer. If he or she doesn't like your face, you are done.

5. English and/or French. Most Chinese won't score very high, including me after staying in Canada for 20 years and working a professional job. If you score high, your application will be successful. Language ability is the biggest barrier for most Chinese applicant.

Feel free to connect with me. I will continue to give you advice, free of charge.
