
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/08 08:31:11
方1 赤小豆适量煎服,加赤砂糖少许温服之,本方适用于活血化瘀期。
方2 猪骨头1000克,黄豆250克,加水小火烧烂,加盐姜调味分饮食之。
方3 猪脊骨一具,洗净,红枣120克,莲子90克,降香、生甘草各9克,加水小火烧烂,加姜盐调味分多次饮之。
方4 鲜湖蟹2只,取肉(带黄),待粳米粥熟时,入蟹肉,再加以适量生姜、醋和酱油服食,常服。
方5 乌雄鸡1只(约500克),去皮毛内脏,洗净,“三七”5克切片,纳入鸡肚中,加少量黄酒,隔水清炖,熟后用酱油蘸服,常服。
方6 生黄芪30~60克,浓煎取汁,加粳米100克,煮粥,早晚服食。
方7 当归20克,黄芪100克,嫩母鸡1只,加水同煮汤食用。
方8 紫丹参50克,洗净,加水煮,取汁,其汁与猪长骨1000克、黄豆250克同煮,待烂熟,加入少量桂皮、盐即成。
方9 生螃蟹500克,捣烂,热黄酒冲服250克,余渣敷患处,约半日“各各”有声即好。用于骨折接骨。
(1)忌盲目补充钙质 钙是构成骨骼的重要原料,有人以为骨折以后多补充钙质能加速断骨的愈合。但科学研究发现,增加钙的摄入量并不加速断骨的愈合,而对于长期卧床的骨折病人,还有引起血钙增高的潜在危险,而同时伴有血磷降低。此是由于长期卧床,一方面抑制对钙的吸收利用,一方面肾小管对钙的重吸收增加的结果。所以,对于骨折病人来说,身体中并不缺乏钙质,只要根据病情和按医生嘱咐,加强功能锻炼和尽早活动,就能促进骨对钙的吸收利用,加速断骨的愈合。尤其对于骨折后卧床期间的病人,盲目地补充钙质,并无裨益,还可能有害。
(2)忌多吃肉骨头 有些人认为,骨折后多吃肉骨头,可使骨折早期愈合。其实不然,现代医学经过多次实践证明,骨折病人多吃肉骨头,非但不能早期愈合,反而会使骨折愈合时间推迟。究其原因,是因为受损伤后骨的再生,主要是依靠骨膜、骨髓的作用,而骨膜、骨髓只有在增加骨胶原的条件下,才能更好地发挥作用,而肉骨头的成份主要是磷和钙。若骨折后大量摄入,就会促使骨质内无机质成分增高,导致骨质内有机质的比例失调,所以,就会对骨折的早期愈合产生阻碍作用。但新鲜的肉骨头汤味道鲜美,有刺激食欲作用,少吃无妨。
(3)忌偏食 骨折病人,常伴有局部水肿、充血、出血、肌肉组织损伤等情况,机体本身对这些有抵抗修复能力,而机体修复组织,长骨生肌,骨痂形成,化瘀消肿的原料就是靠各种营养素,由此可知保证骨折顺利愈合的关键就是营养。
(4)忌不消化之物 骨折病人因固定石膏或夹板而活动限制,加上伤处肿痛,精神忧虑,因此食欲往往不振,时有便秘。所以,食物既要营养丰富,又要容易消化及通便,忌食山芋、芋艿、糯米等易胀气或不消化食物,宜多吃水果、蔬菜。
(5)忌少喝水 卧床骨折病人,尤其是脊柱、骨盆及下肢骨折病人,行动十分不便,因此就尽量少喝水,以减少小便次数,如此虽小便次数减少,但更大的麻烦也产生了。如卧床病人活动少,肠蠕动减弱,再加上饮水减少,就很容易引起大便秘结。长期卧床,小便潴留,也容易诱发尿路结石和泌尿系感染。所以,卧床骨折病人想喝水就喝,不必顾虑重重。
(6)忌过食白糖 大量摄取白糖后,将引起葡萄糖的急剧代谢,从而产生代谢的中间物质,如丙酮酸、乳酸等,使机体呈酸性中毒状态。这时,碱性的钙、镁、钠等离子,便会立即被调动参加中和作用,以防止血液出现酸性。如此钙的大量消耗,将不利于骨折病人的康复。同时,过多的白糖亦会使体内维生素B1的含量减少,这是因维生素B1是糖在体内转化为能量时必需的物质。维生素B1不足,大大降低神经和肌肉的活动能力,亦影响功能的恢复。所以,骨折病人忌摄食过多的白糖。

Food therapy 】
Square 1 just the right amount of fried of red small bean, add few of red sugar to take it, this square is applicable to live the blood to turn the period of 瘀 .
1000 grams of 2 pig bones of square,250 grams of soybean, add the small fire of water to burn lousy, add the food of cent of the salt ginger seasoning.
3 an of the pig spines of square, wash,clearly 120 grams of red date,90 grams of lotus seed, decline the joss-stick and living each 9 grams of licorice, add the small fire of water to burn lousy, add the cent of the ginger salt seasoning to drink it for many times.
4 fresh 2 of lake 蟹s of square, take the meat( take Huang), need the 粳 rice gruel familiar, go into the meat of 蟹 , then take into just the right amount of ginger, vinegar and sauces to take the food, often taking.
5 black 1 of cocks of square, go to the skin internal organs, wash,clearly"37"5 grams of slices, bring into in the chicken belly, add a little amount rice wine, separate the water pure braise, familiar take with the sauce 蘸 behind, often take.
Square 6 living 30-60 grams of yellow 芪 , thick fry to take the juice, add 100 grams of rice of 粳 , boil the gruel, take the food sooner or later.
20 grams of 7 Chinese angelicas of square,100 grams of yellow 芪 , delicate 1 of hen, add the water to boil the soup together edible.
Three 50 grams of 8 purple 丹s of square, wash,clearly add the water to boil, take the juice, the long bone of its juice and pigs is 1000 grams of, the soybean is 250 grams of to boil together, treat lousy and familiar, join a little amount cassia, salt to become namely.
Square 9 living 500 grams of crab, pound into pulp, the hot rice wine hurtles to take 250 grams, remaining 渣敷 infected part, invite the half day" each each" contain namely good voice.Used for the bone fracture bone setting.
【 Taboo food 】
(1)Hate the blindness complement calcium quality calcium is an important raw material that constitutes the skeleton, someone thinks the bone fracture hereafter add the calcium quality more and can accelerate to break the bone to match more.But science research detection, increase the calcium to absorb the quantity not to accelerate to break the bone of match more, but for lie the bone fracture patient of the bed over a long period of time, still cause the blood calcium to increase the high potential danger, but the companion has the blood 磷 to lower at the same time.This is because lying the bed over a long period of time, repressing the absorption toward the calcium to make use of on the other hand, on the other hand small tube of kidney to augmentative result of the heavy absorption of the calcium.So, for the bone fracture patient to say, have no lack of the calcium quality also in the body, as long as according to condition and press doctor to instruct, strengthen the function 锻炼 and as early as possible activity, can promote bone made use of to the absorption of the calcium, accelerate to break the bone to match more.Lie the bed to the bone fracture behind particularly for period of patient, add the calcium quality blindly, have no benefit, still probably harmful.
(2)Hate to eat some persons of the meat bone more to think, the bone fracture eats the meat bone more behind, can make bone fracture matched more in early days.In fact otherwise, modern medical science certificate through many fulfillments, bone fracture the patient eats the meat bone more, can't match more in early days not only, will make bone fracture matched time to postpone more on the contrary.Investigate its reason, is a periosteum because of damaged harm the rebirth of the empress bone, is mainly function that depends on the periosteum, marrow,, marrow only under the condition of increasing the bone gum originally, then can produce result betterly, but the composition of the meat bone is mainly 磷 and calciums.If the bone fracture absorbs in great quantities behind, will urge the bone substance inside have no machine quality composition to increase high, cause the comparison of the organic quality inside the bone substance out of tune, so, will matched the creation bar function more in early days to the bone fracture.But the fresh meat bone soup flavor is fresh and beautiful, stimulating the appetite function, little eat the no harm.
(3)Hate the partial eclipse bone fracture patient, often the companion contain partial dropsy, blood of 充 , bleed, the muscular tissue hurts etc. circumstance, the machine body resists to repair the ability to these, but the machine body repair organization, grow the bone to living the muscle, the bone 痂 formation, raw material that turns the 瘀 to decrease swelling be depend various nourishment vegetable, can know to guarantee that the key that bone fracture smoothly and more match is a nourishment from here.
(4)The thing bone fracture that hate and don't digest patient the activity limit because of fix the gypsum or clipboards, plus the swollen pain of wound, the spirit is worried, so the appetite usually does not flap, the hour has the constipation.So, food since want that the nourishment is abundant, and then want to digest and relax bowel easily, avoiding eating the easy flatulence of potato, 芋艿 , glutinous rice...etc. or don'ting digest the food, much proper drink water the fruit, vegetable.
(5)Hate little drink the water to lie the bed bone fracture patient, particularly is spinal column, pelvis and the legs bone fractures patient, act very inconvenient, so as far as possible little drink the water, to reduce the urine number of times, such although the urine number of times reduce, the larger trouble also produced.If lie the bed patient's activity little, the bowel peristalsis die down, and the drinking decrease, cause the big constipation knot very easily.Lie the bed over a long period of time, urinate the 潴 to stay, also induct to wet easily it is infection that the road stone calculus and 泌s wet.So, lie the bed bone fracture the patient wants to drink the water to drink, need not concern layer after layer.
(6)After hating the food refined sugar to take the refined sugar in great quantities, will cause the nasty play metabolism of the glucose, thus produce the middle material of metabolism, such as the acetone sour, lactic acid etc., make the machine body present the acidity poisoned appearance.At this time, the calcium, magnesium of the alkalescence, 钠 etc. ion, will be transfer to attend the neutralization immediately then, in order to prevent stop bleeding the liquid to appear the acidity.A great deal of depletion of the such calcium, won't benefit in bone fracture the patient recover from illness.At the same time, the excessive refined sugar also will make the content of the vitamin B1 inside the body reduce, this is a sugar because of the vitamin B1 at the conversion inside the body is an energy essential material.The vitamin B1 shortage, lower the activity ability of the nerve and muscle consumedly, also affect the instauration of the function.So, bone fracture the patient hates to absorb the excessive refined sugar.
