
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/05 22:01:23
你好,今天是一个开心的日子.祝你生日快乐、天天开心、万事如意、工作一帆风顺、人是越长越水灵、漂亮。希望最后能成为我的新娘。而不止是单纯的妹妹。我的英语不太好有错误还请多多包涵。Thank you!

To:Mr huang

Hello, this is a happy day. I wish you a happy birthday, happy day, the best, working without a hitch, is longer Shuiling, beautiful. Finally, I hope to become the bride. And more than a mere sister. My English is not good Please bear with me also flawed. Thank you!
To:Mr huang

Hello, this is a happy day. I wish you a happy birthday, happy everyday,everything is best, work without a hitch, and become more and more beautiful. Finally, I hope you become my bride,and more than a simple sister. My English is not good,please bear with me.

Hello, this is a happy day. I wish you a happy birthday, happy day, the best, working without a hitch, is longer Shuiling, beautiful. Finally, I hope to become the bride. And more than a mere sister. My English is not good Please bear with me also flawed.

Hello, today is a day of joy. Happy Birthday to you! I wish you everyday a happy day,everything including your work proper and fine, and becoming more and more beautiful and charming. I hope you will eventually someday become my bride, and not just a sister of mine. My English is not very good. Please bear with me. Xie Xie!