
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/09/21 06:46:48
A: Hello!Lon Li.
B:( ) Zhang Fang.
A:You look worried.( )?
B:My pet dog is missing. I`m look for it .
A:( )?
B:Oh,it has big eyes,long ears,it`s black and white.
A:So lovely!Don`t be worried.
A:Can you help me?
B:( ) .
A:Thank you.
B:( .)

Farmers grow plants and feed animals on their farms.
Is it also possible to have a farm in the sea?
People in many countries grow fresh water fish from
eggs.They put the small fish into lakes and rivers.The fish
live and grow there.People go fishing and enjoy catching fish
in these lakes and rivers.
Now people in Janpan also grow salt water fish from
eggs.Most of them are you yellow tail fish.Every time when they
give food to the fish ,the workers always play tapes of music.
The fish learn that the music means food.
When the fish grow a little bigger ,the Japanese put them into the sea near the land .The workers also paly the same music as usual when they give food to the fish .Then the fish will
swim there to find the food.In this way the Japanese can catch the fish easily in the sea.
The Japanese get about 15% of their seafood from in the sea.

根据短文, 回答下列问题

Is it possible to have a farm in the sea according to the passage?

Where must fresh water fish live and grow?

What do the fish know when they hear the music?

When do the workers put the fish into the sea?

How can the Japanese easily catch these fish in the sea ?

(2)what't the matter with you?
(3)what kind is your pet dog?
(4)OK,let me try!
(5)Not at all!
(2)lakes and rivers.
(3)The fish learn that the music means food.
(4)the small fish grow a little bigger .
(5)the workers always play tapes of music.

1(1)hello(2)what't the matter with you? (3)what kind is your pet dog? (4)OK,let me try(5)Not at all2(1)yes
(2)lakes and rivers(3)the music means food(4)the small fish grow a little bigger (5)the workers always play tapes of music.