
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/04 03:19:48
Everyone isn`t necessarily born with courage,but eneryone is born with Poteneial.Enwry human being has a duty to develop his Courage to the fullest. without courage,we Cannot practice ang other virtue with consistancg. we can`t be bind ,true,mer--cifut.ganerous or honest.Acourageous person willlalnays have the necessaiy stangth to pa\ractice au of these beautiful Virues,even in the face of great difficulty !

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每个人与生具来的勇气,一定幸福't,EneryonePoteneial.enwry是人类与生具来的发展有责任,尽自己的勇气. 无勇气,我们不能因为有其他consistancg老做法. 't我们有约束力,这样,Mer--cifut.ganeroushonest.acourageous人或有willlalnaysnecessaiystangth,PA\racticeauvirues这些美丽,即使遇到很大困难!
