
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/02 18:47:25
Rather, it suggests the margin of contemporary breach of social practices the emancipation of the individual self. People have learned to consider any exception to personal fulfillment an intolerable insult. They have greatly expanded the circle of self-awareness. They no longer accept sharp limitations on individual desires in the name of the group. The amount of potential human discontent has always been momentary - misery, failure, misfitting, bitterness, hatred, envy with telling. It has usually failed of admittance , and in the past it was accepted passively as being beyond help.

相反, 它建议社会实践当代突破口边际单独自已的解放。人们学会认为任一例外对个人履行难容的侮辱。他们很大地扩展了自我意识圈子。他们不再接受锋利的局限在各自的欲望以小组的名义。相当数量潜在的人的牢骚总是短暂的- 苦难, 失败, misfitting, 冤苦, 仇恨, 妒嫉以知道。它通常无法入场许可, 并且从前它被动地被接受了作为是在帮助之外。

I need it desperately by 4 30 pm today!

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We need it very badly before 4:30 this afternoon.