
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/07 08:50:05
Jun 30 22:54:54.804 2006@LM_INFO@P2PVideo Client. Version : 20060604

Jun 30 22:54:54.804 2006@LM_INFO@Get CFG Info ISP:cnc CFGFile:C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Nod125.tmp
Jun 30 22:54:55.132 2006@LM_NOTICE@CPlugInTimerProcess::Create(), 18902036
Jun 30 22:54:55.163 2006@LM_NOTICE@Try to synchronize with time server:time.windows.com:123
Jun 30 22:54:55.210 2006@LM_INFO@opening udp socket...
Jun 30 22:54:55.241 2006@LM_INFO@udp socket bind successfully...
Jun 30 22:54:55.569 2006@LM_INFO@NTP update OK, NTP Server is -0.139404 seconds away from my system, average RTT is 0.328499 seconds
Jun 30 22:54:55.430 2006@LM_NOTICE@sync_time_with_ntp: Synchronized with time server, timediff = -0.139404.
Jun 30 22:54:55.430 2006@LM_NOTICE@CModuleManager::play()
Jun 30 22:54:55.539 2006@LM_NOTICE@CPlugInTimerProcess::StopTimer()
Jun 30 22:54:55.539 2006@LM_NOTICE@play : begin little loop
Jun 30 22:55:58.289 2006@LM_NOTICE@CPlugInSignalAcceptor_Svc_Handler::open(), 19001080
Jun 30 22:55:58.289 2006@LM_NOTICE@Recv PlugIn Signal POST /P2PSelectChannel HTTP/1.1


Accept: */*

User-Agent: SogouHttpBumper

Content-Length: 62

ThreadId: 1576


Jun 30 22:55:58.289 2006@LM_NOTICE@Parse Request OK
Jun 30 22:55:58.289 2006@LM_NOTICE@Select Channel Signal
Jun 30 22:55:58.289 2006@LM_NOTICE@DoSelectChannel 1 00030007-0000-0000-0000-000000000076, 3343886
Jun 30 22:55:58.305 2006@LM_NOTICE@DoSelectChannel 2
Jun 30 22:55:58.305 2006@LM_NOTICE@switch_group : 00030007-0000-0000-0000-000000000076
Jun 30 22:55:58.305 2006@LM_NOTICE@switch_group : send switch message
Jun 30 22:55:58.305 2006@LM_NOTICE@switch_group : on_switch_group
Jun 30 22:55:58.305 2006@LM_NOTICE@switch_group : end_reactor_event_loop
Jun 30 22:55:58.305 2006@LM_NOTICE@play : jump out little loop
Jun 30 22:55:58.305 2006@LM_NOTICE@DoSelectChannel 4
Jun 30 22:55:58.305 2006@LM_NOTICE@DoSelectChannel 5
Jun 30 22:55:58.305 2006@LM_NOTICE@DoSelectChannel 6
Jun 30 22:55:58.305 2006@LM_NOTICE@CPlugInTimerProcess::StopTimer()
Jun 30 22:55:58.305 2006@LM_NOTICE@SelectChannel::response, HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate

Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0

Pragma: no-cache

Content-Length: 2

Connection: close

Content-Type: text/html; charset=GB2312