
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/05 10:40:54
Referring now to Figs. 4 & 5, any of the aforementioned embodiments may be disposed within a housing 469, to form an enclosed conductivity measurement device shown at 400. In this embodiment, driver toroids 420, 424 and sense toroid 422 are coupled to a modular connector 470 to facilitate removable connection to a transmitter or other data capture/calculation device or system. Connector portion 470 may be nominally any connector type known to those skilled in the art. A test port 476 is also shown, which may be coupled to opposite ends of a calibration conductor 471 of known resistance, which forms a loop passing through the toroids as shown. Calibration conductor 471 may be used to calibrate device 400 by shorting the ends thereof (e.g., using a calibrator plugged into test port 476), and then operating the device without process fluid in fluid loop 214. The output of the sensor toroids may then be calibrated to match the known resistance of conductor 471, as will be discussed in greater detail hereinbelow. Those skilled in the art should recognize that this calibration port/conductor, and any other aspects shown and described with respect to a particular embodiment, may be applied to any other of the embodiments described herein, without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention.


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谈到现在果. 4和5、上述任何具体可处理469房屋内,形成一个封闭的地形测量显示装置400. 这体现在,司机toroids420、424、422正感toroid配合单元470接口方便拆除或其他方面的数据记录器/计算装置或系统. 接口部分470可连接任何名义向那些技术型的艺术. 试验还表明476港口,可同时为走极端,已知有471校正指挥抵抗,形成回环如通过toroids. 校正指挥471可用于校正仪器400抛空的目的时(例如,使用插入calibrator港口检验476),然后在仪器操作过程中的流体流动河套214. 产量传感器toroids便可知道分寸配合指挥抗471,将详细讨论hereinbelow. 这些技术在艺术应当承认,这一港口校正/指挥,其他方面表现,说明对某一特定化身,可以适用于任何其他的具体描述外,没有脱离精神和范围本发明.