
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/11 15:11:37
1.她以为自己处理危机的能力而自豪.(pride oneself on)

2.该国政府不顾阻力坚持按原战争计划行事.(adhere to)

comparable to)

4.与体力劳动相比,研究工作更费神.(contrast with)

5.我搞不明白为何她要保存所有那些旧杂志.(store up)

6.关於这批货物的质量我没有甚麼要说的.(in relation to)

7.他因强烈的怨恨情绪而缺席了委员会会议.(account for)

8.他拼命工作为养老做准备.(provide for)

9.十几岁的青少年较少,犯罪率可能下降.这情况同样适用於交通事故发生率.(be true of)

10.紧张和带有敌意磨擦的局面在该地区已日趋严重.(buil up)

1.She is pride herself on her competence of dealing with the crisis.
2.The government adheres to the formerly war plan disregard of the residtance.
3.The famous chef's cooking——zabaglione can be comparable to the best French dish.
4.Research work is much more would you mind contrast with phsical work.
5.I can't understand why she stored up those old magazines.
6.I have no word to say in relation to the quality of these goods.
7.He is absent for the committee conference accounting for his strong bitterness emotion.
8.He is working hard providing for the aged.
9.The quantity of the teenages is less,so the criminous rate may be declined.This is true of the rate of traffic accident .
10.Intensity and hosty attrition in this area is building up.