
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/01 22:49:27

1. 如果有必要,我自然回带你去。
2. 要是我来做这事,我要采用不同的方法。
3. 总统命令所有武装部队立即动员起来。
4. 董事会决定任命约翰逊为总经理。
5. 如果我是你,我回勇敢的正视这一问题。
6. 假如我身体好一些,我早就离开这里了。
7. 我非常不愿意眼看他犯错误。
8. 我多么希望我们厂装备好一些。
9. 要不我们明天有测验,我今晚就去看电影了。
10. 对所有申请者必须逐一面试。

1.I'll bring you back if necessary
2.if it was I who did this work,I would have chosen many different ways
3.the President ordered the army should mobilise
4.the board of directors decided to appoints John for the mannager
5.if I were you,I would face this problem bravely
6.If my bodily condition could be better,I should have been left
7.眼看 不会翻啊,sorry了
8.how badly I wish our equipment could be better
9.If we there wasn't an exam tomorrow,I would went to the movie tonight
10.every applicant should be interviewed one by one
