
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/01 08:37:40
MS设计制作有限公司是跨香港、广州从事室内外装修设计、展览展示工程的专业公司,拥有一支高素质的设计专业 队伍,并配备了先进的软硬件设备以及 250平方米的写字楼和5000多平方米的专业制作工厂,通过英国UKAS“ISO9001-2000质量管理体系认证,致力于为客户提供优质、高品位、高效率的服务。
自1993年成立以来,MS就一直坚持“诚信、专业、服务”为公司经营理念,在经历市场的磨砺洗礼中,不断完善自身管理及架构:建立了以客户需求为服务导向;以客户服务部、设计部、工程部、行政部四大体系协同配合;以制作工厂、工程队、物料仓储基地为坚实基础的运作模式,为您提供设计、施工一条龙的服务。设计理念新,层次高、素质强的专业 设计队伍和工艺精湛、经验丰富的专业施工队伍,是我们优质服务的有力保障。
多年以来为各大品牌的专卖店,国内外展会策划、设计及施工赢得了客户和组委会、交易团的高度评价。服务客户的同时美室的实力也不断得到提高,在今后的合作中,MS将 一如既往的秉承优质诚信、开拓进步、务实稳健的作风,与新老客户携手共创辉煌的未来!

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Ms is designed to produce cross-Hong Kong Ltd., Guangzhou, for indoor decoration, the exhibition displayed works of professional companies with a high-quality design professional teams, and equipped with advanced hardware and software equipment and 250 square metres of office space and over 5,000 square metres of professional production plant through British UKAS "ISO9001-2000 quality management system certification, to provide our customers with quality, high-grade and high-efficiency services. Since its inception in 1993, the Ms has been adhering to the "integrity, professionalism, service," the company business ideas, market refined after baptism, constantly improve their own governance and structure : the establishment of a customer demand for service-oriented; Customer service department, the design department, the Ministry of Works, Ministry of the four administrative system synergies; For the production of factories, construction teams, a solid base for the storage of materials based mode of operation, as you provide design, construction through-train service. New design concepts, high-level, quality strong technical skills and professional design team, construction team of experienced professional, quality service is our strong protection. Over the years the shop for major brands, and exposition planning, design and construction of the organizing committee and won customers, the highly transactions. Customers at the same time the U.S. has also been improved strength room in the future cooperation, Ms will continue to uphold the quality of integrity, pioneering progress, a pragmatic style, and old and new customers to join hands in creating the brilliant future!
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