
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/04 22:35:09

梭伦- Solon of Athens,他的格言是“避免极端”- "Nothing in excess"
契罗- Chilon of Sparta,他的格言是“认识你自己”- "Know thyself"
泰利斯- Thales of Miletus, 他的格言是“过份执著稳健只会带来灾难”- To bring surety brings ruin"
毕亚斯- Bias of Priene, 他的格言是“人多手脚乱”- "Too many workers spoil the work"
克留勃拉- Cleobulus of Lindos, 他的格言是- “凡事取中庸之道”-"Moderation is the chief good"
庇塔碦斯- Pittacus of Mytilene,他的格言是“紧抓时机”- "Know thine opportunity"
勃吕安德- Periander of Corinth,他的格言是- “行事前要三思”-"Forethought in all things"