
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 01:13:34
Our latest pharmaceutical pipeline was unveiled at the Annual Results and Pipeline Highlight event on January 20, 2005. Our pipeline has been consistently ranked by experts as one of the strongest in the industry and is focused on attractive market segments and a broad range of unmet medical needs.

A total of 75 development projects fill the pipeline, of which 52 are in phases II and III or in registration. Key areas of development are oncology and cardiovascular diseases, two of Novartis' key growth areas. In addition, Novartis has 64 development candidates in advanced pre-clinical testing that are expected to enter clinical trials in the next two years


最新公布的年度制药管道及管线成果突出活动2005年1月20日. 我国管道一直是专家级的强烈的重点行业和有吸引力的市场需求和广泛的满足医疗需求.
共有75个开发项目,填补了管道,其中有52个在第二和第三阶段或注册. 重点发展的肿瘤科、心血管疾病、瑞士诺华公司2的主要增长点. 另外,瑞士诺华公司已开发64个先进人选前的临床试验,可望进入临床试验,在未来两年