
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/05 12:02:30
A common terminology for the world-wide web is simply "The Web". The Web is an idea that grew out of other Internet resources but is often used incorrectly as a metaphor for the Internet. When you use your modem to ‘go-online’, you do not connect to the Web. Instead, you connect to the Internet and are then able to use your browser to access Web facilities. Also, you can access Web information within your company’s intra-network or intranet, believe it or not. I suppose that this is one of the reasons for using the word "Web" instead of "World-Wide Web." If you set up a Web server on your private internal network, users connected to the network can access information on that server in the same way we access information via the Internet. Referring to internal information accessible via internal web servers as the "Web" is a little stretch or is impractical but is actually correct. You see the breakdown of such a case if we continued to refer to the "Web" as the "World-Wide Web." After all, your little network may not even be connected to the global Internet.

为遍及全球的网一种通常的用辞只是 " 网络 " 。 网络是一个戒除其他的英特网资源但是时常对于英特网不正确地被用如一个隐喻的主意。 当你使用你调制解调器的时候在线',你不连接到网络。 相反的,你连接到英特网并且然后聪明的使用你的浏览器存取网络设备。 同时, 你能在你的公司里面存取网络数据网络内或企业内网络,信不信由你。 我推想这是使用”网络”那个字代替 " 遍及全球的网络 " 的理由之一。如果你建立在你的私人内在的网络上的一个网络伺候器, 被连接到网络的使用者能同样地存取关于那一个伺候器的资讯我们经由英特网存取数据。提及内在的数据可接近的经由内在的网伺候器当 " 网络 " 稍微可伸缩或者是不实用的但是实际上正确之时。 如果我们继续提及 " 网络 " 如 " 遍及全球的网络 " ,你见到一个如此情形的崩溃。 毕竟,你的小网络平坦的不可能被连接到全球的英特网。