
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 06:09:57
What is GIS?
This is probably the most asked question posed to those in the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) field and is probably the hardest to answer in a succinct and clear manner.
GIS is a rapidly growing technological field that incorporates graphical features with tabular data in order to assess real-world problems. What is now the GIS field began around 1960, with the discovery that maps could be programmed using simple code and then stored in a computer allowing for future modification when necessary. This was a welcome change from the era of hand cartography when maps had to be painstakingly created by hand; even small changes required the creation of a new map. The earliest version of a GIS was known as computer cartography and involved simple linework to represent land features. From that evolved the concept of overlaying different mapped features on top of each other to determine patterns and causes of spatial phenomenon.
The capabilities of GIS are a far cry from the simple beginnings of computer cartography. At the simplest level, GIS can be thought of as a high-tech equivalent of a map. However, not only can paper maps be produced far quicker and more efficiently, the storage of data in an easily accessible digital format enables complex analysis and modeling not previously possible. The reach of GIS expands into all disciplines and has been used for such widely ranged problems as prioritizing sensitive species habitat to determining optimal real estate locations for new businesses.
The key word to this technology is Geography - this usually means that the data (or at least some proportion of the data) is spatial, in other words, data that is in some way referenced to locations on the earth. Coupled with this data is usually data known as attribute data. Attribute data generally defined as additional information, which can then be tied to spatial data. An example of this would be schools. The actual location of the schools is the spatial data. Additional data such as the school name, level of education taught, school capacity would make up the attribute data. It is the partnership of these two data types that enables GIS to be such an effective problem solving tool.
GIS operates on many levels. On the most basic level, GIS is used as computer cartography, i.e. mapping. The real power in GIS is through using spatial and statistical methods to analyze attribute and geographic information. The end result of the analysis can be derivative information, interpolated information or prioritized information.
Other quotes to answer "What is GIS?"
"In the strictest sense, a GIS is a computer system capable of assembling, storing, manipulating, and displaying geographically referenced information, i.e. data identified according to their locations. Practitioners also regard the total GIS as including operating personnel and the data that go into the system." USGS

GIS 是什么?
这或许是对地理的数据制度 (GIS) 的那些回答的最多提出的疑问提出和最困难或许将以简洁的和清楚的样子回答。
GIS 是一快速地增加用制成表的数据合并图解式的特征为了要估定真实的问题的科技的领域。 开始了大约 1960 的现在 GIS 领域是什么, 藉由在考虑到将来的修正当必需的时候的一部计算机使用简单的密码然后储存的地图可能被规划的发现。 当地图必须用手用心地被产生的时候,这是来自手地图制作的时代的一个受欢迎的变化; 甚至小的变化必需的新地图的创造。 最早版的 GIS 即是表现土地特征的计算机地图制作和有关的简单 linework 。从那进展了在决定空间现象的式样和因素的彼此的顶端上复盖不同的映射特征的观念。
GIS 的能力是来自计算机地图制作的简单开始的一个悬殊很大的事物。 在最简单的水平, GIS 能被想到为高科技等同于一张地图。 然而, 不只能用纸糊地图被生产更为快和更有效率, 数据的储藏以一个容易可接近数传格式先前使复杂的分析和模型能够不可能的。 GIS 的延伸扩大为所有的训练和已经作为如此的广泛地当做优先敏感的种栖息地排列了问题到为新的生意决定最佳的不动产位置。
对这一种技术的牛鼻子字是地理学 - 这通常意谓数据 (或者数据的至少一些比例) 是空间的,换句话说, 数据在某些方面是叁考的到在地球上的位置。 以这一笔数据加倍通常是即是的数据属性数据。 归于通常被定义为另外的数据的数据,这然后能被系到空间的数据。 这的一例子会是学校。 学校的真实位置是空间的数据。 另外的数据 , 像是学校名字,被教的教育的程度, 学校能力会组成属性数据。 它是这二笔数据类型的合伙准许 GIS 是如此的一个有效的解决问题工具。
GIS 在许多水平上操作。 在最基本的水平上, GIS 被当作计算机地图制作使用, 也就是映射。 在 GIS 的真正的力量穿越正在使用空间的和统计的方法分析属性和地理的数据。分析的结束结果可能是被窜改数据或优先数据的引出的数据。
其他的引证回答 "GIS 是什么 ?"
"在最严厉的感觉, GIS 是能够集合的一个计算机系统, 储存,操纵, 而且显示地理叁考的数据, 依照他们的位置也就是数据识别。 开业者也把总 GIS 视为包括操作人员和讨论系统的数据。" 美国地质勘探局