
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/08 18:51:33

招募是人力资源的第一步工作,成功有效的招募会给人力资源的后续工作减轻负担。本文从确立招募原则和招募过程两个角度论述了如何提高人员招募的有效性。企业人员招募的过程分为:制定招募计划,执行招募计划,评价招募效果。人员招募并不是简单的吸引大批的应聘者,而是一个系统化的过程。企业应重视这一工作,要有计划、有目的的做工作,要节约成本,招募工作结束后,应及时进行评价,反馈到招募计划,对来年的招募工作具有指导意义。人员招募是公司人力资源流入的主要途径,招募效果的好坏直接影响到公司下一步发展战略能否顺利实现。招募工作看似简单,但是是至关重要的, 一个企业的变化,往往是从招募进来某一个人开始的。有效的招募将给企业带来许多效益。
关键词: 人员招募 有效性 招募过程 招募原则

Discuss An Efficient Company Of Staff Recruitment


In the light of the problem of unsatisfactory results of enterprises’ employment, this paper puts for ward the idea of systematical optimization of the process of employment from the angle of practical application. For a systematized and standardized employing process, this paper analyzes the whole process in order to improve each segment of it and to make it more efficient. In the enterprises’ application, we have found that the idea can help human resource departments in designing appropriate employing model, in improving employing process. The effect of employment will affect that whether the company will achieve their next step of the development strategy. So this job is very important.
Key words: Effectiveness Of Employment Employing Process Employing Principle Employment

Recruitment of human resources is the first step, successful recruitment of human resources for the follow-up to lighten the burden. The recruitment from the established principles of the recruitment process and the two discussed ways to enhance staff recruitment perspective of effectiveness. Enterprise staff recruitment process is divided into : the development of the recruitment plan, the implementation of the recruitment plan, evaluate recruitment results. Personnel recruitment is not simple to attract a large number of candidates, but a systematic process. Enterprises should pay attention to this work, a plan, and aimed to do, to save costs, recruitment ended, the timely evaluation and feedback to the recruitment plan for the coming year with recruitment guidance. Personnel recruitment companies is the main way to human resources, the effect will have a direct impact on recruitment companies to the successful realization of the next step of development strategies. Recruitment appears to be simple, but is critical of a business changes, often coming from an individual recruitment began. Effective recruitment will bring many benefits enterprises. Keyword : effectiveness of the recruitment process of recruitment of personnel recruitment principle
讨论有效公司招聘 抽象 鉴于成绩不理想的问题,企业的就业,这一文件将病房的想法系统优化过程就业从实际应用. 聘请了制度化、规范化进程,本文分析的整个过程,以提高每一部分,并使其更具效率. 在企业应用,我们发现部门人力资源的概念可以用适当的模式设计,采用改进的过程. 就业效果会影响到公司是否能达到预期的下一步发展战略. 所以这项工作是很重要的. 关键字:效益原则,运用就业工作过程中使用