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"African elephant" Meet the largest land mammal on Earth.

The African elephant is the largest mammal that lives on land. Males can be up to four metres tall at the shoulder. They have extra large ears that they flap to keep themselves cool. Unlike their Asian cousins, both male and female African elephants have tusks.
These intelligent creatures talk to one another by making low growling sounds - so low, in fact, that we can't even hear them. It's as if they had their own built-in mobile phones! This explains why two elephants can act as one, even if they are several kilometres apart. Elephants also make sort of rumbling sound while digesting their food. If they are in danger they turn this sound off as a warning to others.

Elephant trunks are the Swiss army knives of the animal kingdom, acting as a combined trumpet, water pistol, siphon, shower and feeding tool. They are strong enough to strip branches from trees, yet delicate enough to pick up a berry. Elephants use their trunks to feed with, and their vegetarian diet consists of plants, twigs, leaves, shoots and fruit.

African elephants live in close-knit groups of around 10 females and their calves. Females give birth to a single calf every two to four years. Elephants form close family bonds, and protect any younger or weaker relatives. When the males (bulls) are about 12 years old they leave to form their own groups or wander on their own.

People sometimes say that elephants never forget, and it's true that older elephants will show the younger ones where the best watering places are. This sort of knowledge is vital because an African elephant can drink as much as 50 gallons of water a day.

"Blue whale" The biggest animal on earth.

Did you think that dinosaurs were the largest animals ever? Even those giants were not as huge as the blue whale. These mega mammals are about 26 metres long and can tip the scales at over 150 tonnes. A blue whale's heart alone weighs as much as a car and its tail can be the same width as the wings on a small aeroplane.
The blue whale gets its name from its blue-grey colour, but often has lighter patches on its back. It has throat grooves that run from its chin to its stomach. Blue whales are thought to live to be about 110 years old.

Blue whales are found in all the oceans of the world. They often feed in the polar regions in spring and summer and head for the warmer waters of the equator in the autumn. This is where they give birth to their young. Even before it is born, a baby whale grows at an astonishing rate in its mother’s womb - 1,000 times faster than a human baby. A new born calf will put on as much as 90 kilograms a day.

Blue whales may be big, but they feed on tiny organisms called krill. They can get through four tonnes in a day, that’s the same as eating an elephant! They sieve sea water through comb-like structures in their mouths called baleen. They're made of keratin, a substance also found in fingernails and the hooves of horses and cows.

The call of the blue whale is the loudest of any animal. It’s how they communicate with each other over hundreds of miles. Our ears can’t hear them because they make such a low pitched rumble.

Blue whales tend to live in pods (groups) of two to three individuals, although groups of 60 or more have been seen. Whales were hunted for their bones, the oil in their blubber and also for their meat. In the early 20th century, the estimated total kill of blue whales was 350,000 animals, and by the 1960s they were on the brink of extinction. Some populations may never recover.

"Koala" The bear that doesn't drink.

Although it's often called a koala bear and looks a bit like one, the koala is actually not a bear at all. It's a marsupial, or pouched mammal and has no close relatives. It comes from Australia where 'Koala' is an aboriginal word meaning 'no drink'. It's a good name because the koala gets all the moisture it needs from eucalyptus leaves.
Like all marsupials, the koala's young are born small, blind and hairless. The baby crawls to its mother's pouch where it suckles and continues to grow for six months. At the end of this time the young koala climbs out onto its mother's back and she teaches it how to feed.

The koala spends almost all its time in eucalyptus trees where it chomps on the leaves, only coming down to move to another tree or grab a mouthful of dirt which helps to digest its leafy lunch. Eucalyptus is not very nutritious so koalas have to eat up to a kilo a day. They rest for a lot of the time, to conserve energy. In fact, a koala spends up to three quarters of its life asleep. The koala is an amazingly fussy eater and will pick 20 leaves for every one it decides is good enough to eat.

The leaves the koala eats contain strong smelling oils that seem to act as a bug repellent, keeping the animal free from parasites. Unfortunately they also make the Koala smell like very strong cough sweets!

Up until the late 1920s koalas were hunted for their skin with as many as 500,000 a month being exported. Thankfully they are now protected and loved as one of Australia's most distinctive animals.

2011-5-20 20:36 满意回答 小故事: 很多年前, 一个爸爸和一个妈妈想休假,所以他们决定晚上去城镇。他们叫来最信任一个人来照看孩子。当保姆来的时候,他们的连个孩子已经在床上睡着了。所以保姆只是看了看孩子是否睡的好,就坐下了。




