
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 23:14:54
We begin by examining the types of firms that report large levels of tax benefits due to the exercise of employee stock options. Our results indicate that these firms have lower long-term leverage, lower dividends per share, and higher profitability than firms without tax benefits due to options exercise. These firms also have more options outstanding and more options exercised. This is consistent with the motion that high growth firms are more likely to offer stock options than older. More established forms. It should be pointed out that these characteristics are also consistent with employees not exercising underwater options.
Next, we examine the capital structure of firms with option-related tax benefits. DeAngelo and Masulis(1998) present a tradeoff model of optimal capital structure that incorporates the impact of debt and non-debt corporate tax shields. They argue that deductions for depreciation and tax-loss carryforwards are substitutes for the tax benefits of debt financing. Since tax benefits due to the exercise of options are an additional non-debt tax shield. Their model would suggest that firms with large tax benefits relative to assets should also include less debt in their capital structure. Using methodologies similar to Mackie-Mason(1990), we examine the capital structure and debt-equity choice of forms with tax benefits due to employee stock options. In particular, we examine whether the tax benefits of employee stock options are used as a substitute for debt. Our results indicate that both long- and short-term leverage are decreasing functions of the level of tax benefits from option exercise.

我们从检查报告大程度的税由于职员存货选项的练习有益的公司类型开始。 我们的结果指出,这些公司有低的长期杠杆作用,每部份较低的被除数和较高的收益性胜于公司是没有税由于选项练习有益。 这些公司也练习较多的选项杰出的和较多的选项。 这对运动感到一致高的生长公司更可能跟资深者比起来提供存货的选项。 比较确定的表格。 资讯科技应该被指出这些特性也对职员感到一致不练习在水中的选项。
然后,我们用选项讲的税利益调查公司的首都结构。 DeAngelo 和 Masulis(1998) 呈现一个合并债务和非债务的冲击企业的税盾最佳首都的结构交易模型。 他们争论给贬值和税- 损失的污损预报措施的减除是债务融资的税利益的替代。 因为税由于选项的练习有益是另外的非债务税盾。 他们的模型会建议与大的税公司也与资产相关的有益应该包括他们的首都结构的比较少的债务。 类似 Mackie 使用方法学-泥瓦匠 (1990),我们调查首都的结构和债务- 公正和税的表格选择由于职员存货选项有益。 尤其,我们对于债务调查职员存货选项的税利益是否被当作一位替代使用。我们的结果指出,两者渴望-而且短期的杠杆作用正在减退来自选项练习的税利益的程度功能。