阑尾炎吧:请求高人解释 “eating 0s and 1s”怎么解释?侵蚀0,1字串?汗

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/08 20:19:54

1。This Article considers such influences not by hypothesizing ad hoc inefficiencies that the New Economy can purport to resolve, but instead by beginning from an Arrow-Debreu perspective and asking how digital goods affect outcomes.

2。Most endogenous growth theory focuses on technological progress and human capital accumulation but parts of it also concern the growth effects of ad hoc postulated inefficiencies—political vested interests, large fixed-cost barriers to high-productivity economic activity, ethno-linguistic or religious fractionalization, corruption, weak corporate and political governance, and so on.

3。Since those ideas are sufficiently rich and intricate to merit detailed exposition elsewhere.

4。While useful, making this last specific connection explicit potentially disguises how the digitization idea applies more generally.



1。本条推测认为,这种影响不是特别高,为了能够解决新经济,而是由一个从箭-Debreu角度问及数码产品影响的结果. 2。最内在增长理论注重技术进步和人力资本积累,但地方也关注增长的影响专案认定无政治既得利益者,大固定成本壁垒高效率的经济活动、民族语言或宗教fractionalization、腐败、弱势团体和政治治理等. 3。因为这些想法十分复杂和丰富,值得其他详细论述. 4。而有益,使这方面的具体明确可能掩盖过去如何更广泛地采用数字化的想法.
