
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 23:53:25
前两天我吃了你的两块奶酪,吃完以后我的肚子一直都不舒服,我知道那是由于我做了亏心事心里不安的缘故。我一直很希望上帝能给我一个机会,让我有一天能够站在你的面前,对你说三个字:“I am sorry.”如果你不原谅我,我会永生不安,如果以后你在天空飞来飞去,会看到一只孤独的狐狸在森林里悲哀的走来走去,我相信你的心里一定也不好过。我们不要为两块奶酪结下世世代代的仇怨,我日日夜夜都在等待着你对我说出“原谅”两个字。我不知道在我有生之年我有没有福气听到这两个字。乌鸦说:“有的!”


In former two days, I have eaten two pieces of your cheese, after eating , my belly is always not comfortable, I know that is since I make the cause of a guilty conscience of at heart uneasy matter. I always hope very much that God can give me a opportunity, let me stand one day in you in front of, as you say 3 words,: " I am sorry ". If you do not excuse me, I can eternal worry, if afterwards you when sky flies to fly go , can see a lonely fox in forest grieved go to go go , I believe you is at heart certain and also unwell. We do not blame for two pieces of cheese knot under the hatred of generation, I day and night when wait you say for me that" forgive " two words. I do not know when I the remaining years of life I have good luck to hear this two words. Crow says: " it is some "! ?Qiao ? excuse me " poisonous " and " intelligent turn over quilt intelligent mistake " how to translate.
Thanks for everybody!
