
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/03 17:59:33
[摘 要]我党历来高度重视人才建设工作,尤其是随着党的十六大报告中“党管人才”原则的提出,进一步明确了我国科教兴国,人才强国的发展战略,这无疑为我国高校教师队伍建设指明了方向。在高校教师队伍建设和管理中,运用有效的激励手段,建立完善的激励机制,对于调动教师的积极性和创造力,不断提高工作绩效,出色地去实现个人奋斗目标和高校发展目标,具有十分重要的作用。而我国经济欠发达地区高校由于资金匮乏,观念守旧,体制落后等诸多方面原因的影响,教师激励中仍存在着严重的问题,制约了学校的发展。本文在分析经济欠发达地区高校现状及问题的基础上,找出其成因,提出了经济欠发达地区高校教师激励中存在的问题的对策:结合高校融资政策,拓展融资渠道;加大分配制度改革,建立科学合理的报酬体系;建立公平合理,有竞争力的绩效考核选拔机制;从教师的需求特点出发,深化“以人为本”的激励思想;建立和完善灵活的教师奖罚款制度。希望本论文的建议能对经济欠发达地区高校教师激励有一定的帮助。

[关键词] 激励 高校教师 需要 约束

Abstract: Our party has always attached great importance to the training of qualified personnel, especially as the bringing up of the policy of "Party supervision over personnel" in the report at 16th Party Congress, the strategy of "Rejuvenate our country through secience and education,develop schools through talents" are made clear further.This undoutedly points ways for the development of college teaching staff. .......

上午好容易翻译好了,还没来得及提交,我同事叫我吃饭,把我主机电源断了,我好郁闷啊~~~~~~~~~ :(


[ 译文] I a 16 greatest reports for in times gone by and highly valuing talented person's developments working, particularly is along with parties inside" a development for taking care of talented person" principle putting forward, furtherly clear and definitely our country section teaching making a country strong, talented person's big country strategy, this doubtless for tall school teacher in our country troops developments indicated the direction.In tall school teacher troops developments with management, make use of to encourage the means effectively, establish to encourage the mechanism perfectly, increases positive that transfer teacher with creative power, very much work results, realizes outstandingly individual struggles the target to develop the target with the high school, having the very important function.But the our country economy owes to prosper the high school in region because the funds is short of, the idea is conservative, the system falls behind the causal influence in many aspects in etc., the teacher encourages the inside to still exsits serious problem, make invite the development of the school.This text is in analyze economy owe prosper the foundation between high school in region present condition and problem lastly, found out its because of, put forward economy owe prosper tall school teacher in region encourage the counterplan of the problem of the esse:Combinative high school margin policy, expand the margin outlet;The enlargement allotment system reforms, establishing the reasonable guerdon in science system;Establish the fair reasonable, have the results of the competition ability investigate to select the mechanism;Set out from the teacher's need characteristics, deep turn the " make people the center" encourage the thought;Establish with the perfect and vivid teacher the prize fines money the system.Suggestion that hope that this thesis can owe the help that tall school teacher in prosperous region encourage to the economy certainly.

The [ key phrase] encourages the tall school teacher need control