
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/03 15:39:35
    日常打招呼,中国人大多使用“吃了吗?” “上哪呢?”等等,这体现了人与人之间的一种亲切感。可对西方人来说,这种打招呼的方式会令对方感到突然、尴尬,甚至不快,因为西方人会把这种问话理解成为一种“盘问”,感到对方在询问他们的私生活。在西方,日常打招呼他们只说一声“Hello”或按时间来分,说声“早上好!”“下午好!”“晚上好!”就可以了。而英国人见面会说:“今天天气不错啊!”    


一、Are you eat?
Where do you get?
good morning
good afternoon
good evening
Today's weather is fine.

First, human relations language difference
Daily has said the hello, the Chinese mostly uses "eats?" "On which?" This has manifested between the person and person's one kind of Kindness. May say to the western person that, this kind says the hello the way to will be taken unawares opposite party, be awkward, even is not quick, because the western person can understand into this kind of question one kind "the interrogation", felt opposite party is inquiring them the private life.In the west, daily hits greets them only to say "Hello" or on time comes to divide, says the sound "very good early!" "Afternoon is good!" "Is late very good!" Was allowed. But the English meets can say that, "Today the weather is good!"
Second, dining etiquette difference
The Chinese has a speech to call "the food is what matters to the people", thus it can be seen diet in Chinese mind status, therefore the Chinese will eat meal regards as the major event. Chinese dish attenion cooked food color, fragrance, taste, shape, Italy complete, even has surpassed to the nutrition attenion, so long as delicious must be attractive, the nutrition instead appears is unimportant.The western diet comparison is fastidious nutrition matching with the absorption, is one kind of scientific diet idea. Did the western person pay great attention to food the nutrition to neglect food color, the fragrance, the taste, the shape, how Italy, their diet were many is for the survival and the health, was not fastidious as if taste enjoying.
In the dining atmosphere aspect, the Chinese the time which eats meal all likes lively, very many people encircle in the same place eat and drink, have a friendly chat, everybody is building one kind lively warm to dine together the atmosphere. Only if is at the very official banquet, Chinese on dinner table and nothing very special etiquette.But western person when dining, all likes quietly and tastefully, the peaceful environment, they thought on dinner table time certainly needs to pay attention to own etiquette, may not lose the courtesy, for instance when dining cannot make the very coarse sound.
Third, clothing etiquette difference
The western gentleman usually puts on conservative model in the official social occasion the western-style clothing, underwear the white shirt, knits the tie. They like the black, therefore generally puts on the black the leather shoes. Western woman must put on the formal clothes coverall in the official situation. Moreover woman egresses has wears the earring the custom. The western nation, in US, usually the people likes putting on the leisure attire in particular, if T-shirts adds the cowboy to take.
The etiquette is one kind of culture, is the culture has the longitudinal inheritance and the crosswise model and the fusion. Unceasingly quickens pace along with the world globalization, the economy, the cultural high speed collision fuses under the big background, the western culture massively wells up China, the Chinese tradition etiquette also unceasingly receives the western etiquette culture the impact. How protects the Chinese nation tradition etiquette, and goes to its dregs, carries on the reasonable effective fusion with the western etiquette, becomes the people unceasingly to ponder and the discussion topic. More and more many people realized will certainly to the China and the West etiquette culture to be able mutually to seep, unceasingly develops