代表美玉的字有哪些:the scarlets letter

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 22:06:11
It was an obscure night of early May. An unvaried pall of cloud muffled the whole expanse of sky from zenith to horizon. If the same multitude which had stood as eyewitnesses while Hester Prynne sustained her punishment could now have been summoned forth, they would have discerned no face above the platform, nor hardly the outline of a human shape, in the dark gray of the midnight. But the town was all asleep. There was no peril of discovery. The minister might stand there, if it so pleased him, until morning should redden in the east, without other risk than that the dank and chill night-air would creep into his frame, and stiffen his joints with rheumatism, and clog his throat with catarrh and cough; thereby defrauding the expectant audience of to-morrow’s prayer and sermon. No eye could see him, save that ever-wakeful one which had seen him in his closet, wielding the bloody scourge. Why, then, had he come hither? Was it but the mockery of penitence? A mockery, indeed, but in which his soul trifled with itself! A mockery at which angels blushed and wept, while fiends rejoiced, with jeering laughter! He had been driven hither by the impulse of that Remorse which dogged him everywhere, and whose own sister and closely linked companion was that Cowardice which invariably drew him back, with her tremulous gripe, just when the other impulse had hurried him to the verge of a disclosure. Poor, miserable man! what right had infirmity like his to burden itself with crime? Crime is for the iron-nerved, who have their choice either to endure it, or, if it press too hard, to exert their fierce and savage strength for a good purpose, and fling it off at once! This feeble and most sensitive of spirits could do neither, yet continually did one thing or another, which intertwined, in the same inextricable knot, the agony of heaven-defying guilt and vain repentance. 2
And thus, while standing on the scaffold, in this vain show of expiation, Mr. Dimmesdale was overcome with a great horror of mind, as if the universe were gazing at a scarlet token on his naked breast, right over his heart. On that spot, in very truth, there was, and there had long been, the gnawing and poisonous tooth of bodily pain. Without any effort of his will, or power to restrain himself, he shrieked aloud; an outcry that went pealing through the night, and was beaten back from one house to another, and reverberated from the hills in the background; as if a company of devils, detecting so much misery and terror in it, had made a plaything of the sound, and were bandying it to and fro. 3

这是上旬5月阴暗的夜。云彩裹住了天空整体浩瀚从天顶到天际。如果并肩作战象目击者的同样许多当承受了她的处罚能现在被召唤了, 他们不会辩明面孔在平台之上, 亦不几乎不人的形状的概述, 在深灰午夜。但镇所有睡著。没有发现危险。部长也许站立那里, 如果它比那阴湿和寒冷的夜空气会出现他的框架, 和僵住他的联接以风湿病, 和堵塞他的喉头以粘膜炎和咳嗽如此取乐他, 直到早晨应该变红在东部, 没有其它风险; 因此欺诈明天的祷告和布道的预期观众。眼睛不能看他, 只是曾经警惕一个看见了他在他的壁橱, 挥动血淋淋的鞭。为什么, 然后, 他来了? 它是但 嘲笑吗? 一阵嘲笑, 的确, 但在哪些他的灵魂与本身! 天使脸红和啜泣的嘲笑, 当恶魔被高兴, 以嘲笑的笑声! 他被尾随他到处, 并且拥有姐妹和严密连接的伴侣是那怯懦不变地画他, 以她的震颤牢骚那后悔的冲动 驾驶了, 当另一冲动赶紧了他对透露的边缘。可怜, 凄惨的人! 什么正确有体弱象他的负担本身罪行? 罪行是为钢, 有他们的选择或忍受它, 或, 如果它太艰苦按, 施加他们的剧烈和野蛮力量为一个好目的, 和立即扔它! 这衰弱和最敏感精神能做两者都不, 连续地做了一件事或另, 交错, 在同样无法解脱的结, 天堂违抗的罪状极度痛苦和自负的悔悟。2 和因而, 当站立在绞刑台, 在赎罪这个自负的展示, Dimmesdale 先生被克服了以头脑巨大恐怖, 好象宇宙注视猩红色象征在他的赤裸乳房, 权利在他的心脏。在那个斑点, 在非常真相, 有, 并且有长期是, 身体痛苦的咬的和毒牙。没有他的任一努力意志, 或力量克制自己, 他大声尖叫了; 去通过夜的喊叫, 和击退了从一个房子到另一个, 和回荡了从小山在背景中; 好象恶魔公司, 非常查出苦难和恐怖在它, 做了玩具声音, 和相互投掷它来回。3