
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/04 03:16:53
例句:He is the strongest in his class.(要求下面句子与例句意思相同)
1.He is stronger than 需填 需填 需填 in his class.
2.He is stronger than 需填 需填 in his class.
3.He is stronger than 需填 需填 需填 需填 in his class.
4.He is stronger than 需填 需填 需填 需填 需填 需填 in his class.
5.需填 需填 需填 in his class is stronger than he.
6.需填 需填 in his class is as strong as he.



1.any other students
2.any one
3.any of the student
4.any one else of the student
5.none of student
6.no one

1.all other students
2.the others
3.any one of others
4.any one of the other students
5.No one else
6.No others

1 any other people
2 the others
3 all of the students
4 any one else of the student
5 no one else
6 nobody else

