火山小视频抢红包神器:山盟海誓怎么说 高手告诉小女子吧

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/02 19:32:31
【音】shān méng hǎi shì【释】盟:盟约;誓:誓言。指男女相爱时立下的誓言,表示爱情要象山和海一样永恒不变。【出】元·无名氏《碧桃花》第三折:“他将山盟海誓言,向罗帏锦帐眠。”【例】想当初~,可现在怎么就要分手了?
我不要这些 我要英语翻译和例句

山盟海誓 短语翻译成
covenant of salt; (喻) 不可背弃的盟约
solemn pledge of love 关于爱的庄严宣誓
1. "We have got a play," said he, "It is to be Lovers' Vows; and I am to be Court Cassel and am to come in first with a blue dress."
2. Having taken leave of my friends, and exchanged promises with Miss Read, I quitted Philadelphia in the ship.
3. She plighted herself to him under the oak-tree.
4. Butterfly changes into a white gown, and her new husband gently leads her onto the terrace as vows of love flow from their lips.

[a solemn pledge of love] 盟誓坚定,好像山和海一样永恒不变。多指男女忠贞相爱

She plighted herself to him under the oak - tree.
Tom and Mary exchanged their vows before the altar

a solemn pledge of love

Solemn pledge of love.