
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/06/29 23:35:32

Winston Churchill(丘吉尔)可以参考:)~~

SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL (1874-1965), British leader. English on his father's side, American on his mother's, Sir Winston Churchill embodied⑴ and expressed the double vitality⑵ and the national qualities of both peoples.
Churchill took a leading part in laying the foundations of the welfare⑶ state in Britain, in preparing the Royal⑷ Navy for World War I, and in settling the political boundaries⑸ in the Middle East after the war. In WORLD WAR II emerged as the leader of British nation to resist the German domination⑹ of Europe, as an inspirer of the resistance among free peoples, and as a prime architect of victory.

His dominant qualities were courage and imagination. Less obvious to the public, but no less important, was his powerful, original, and fertile⑺ intellect. The artistic side of his temperament was displayed in his writings and oratorical⑻style, as well as in his paintings. He was a combination of soldier, writer, artist, and statesman. Like Julius Caesar, he stands out not only as a great man of action, but as a writer of it too.