
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/02 17:59:37
Working in residential care
Skills needed in residential care
Residential childcare workers have characteristics in common both with foster cares and with field social workers. Like foster cares they do the ‘hands-on’ business of actually looking after children from day to day. Like field social workers they are employed directly by the agency and do not normally work in their own homes. They may have the same professional training as social workers, and to a greater or lesser extent they take responsibility for planning and for negotiating with other agencies and professions.
The profession of residential childcare is not in general a high status one, and many workers are relatively unqualified and inexperienced. However, within the profession there are also very high levels of skill and knowledge. The tasks involved, in addition to the routine (if it can ever be called that) provision of physical and emotional care for children and young people, may include:
•work with families;
•preparation for foster care;
•preparation for independence.
These tasks demand a wide range of skills and knowledge. Whitaker, Archer and Hicks(1998) looked closely and analytically at practice in group care, and concluded that the work required the following knowledge, skills and personal qualities:
•knowledge and understanding of personal development, transgenerational processes and family dynamics; the positive and negative potentials of group lining; networks and network interactions; organizational structures and dynamics;
•skills in listening, observing, interventing and assessment, in order to understand emotional reactions and feelings in the young people and themselves;
•personal qualities and values that are consistent with the aims and philosophy of the establishment.
(summary based on Department of Health(1998);
Whitaker et al.(1998))
Some of this can certainly be acquired in practice, if staff are fortunate enough to work in a setting where there is already good practice and support for learning and development. Some of it can best be learned through formal education and a strucature of qualifications. Despite many years of attempts to improve the situation, the majority of residential child care workers in Britain still do not have formal qualifications. In recent years national standards have been introduced for childern’s homes and managers,together with requirements for increasing numbers of the workfore to hold a relevant National Vocational Qualification; but there is a lot of catching up to be done. This contrasts with the situation in some European countries, where redsidential care is regarded as a relatively high status profession, and where residential workers may be expected as a matter of course to have qualifications at degree level or beyond in social work, psychology, teaching or ‘social pedagogy’(see Chapter 11).

Working in residential care
Skills needed in residential care
Residential childcare workers have characteristics in common both with foster cares and with field social workers. Like foster cares they do the ‘hands-on’ business of actually looking after children from day to day. Like field social workers they are employed directly by the agency and do not normally work in their own homes. They may have the same professional training as social workers, and to a greater or lesser extent they take responsibility for planning and for negotiating with other agencies and professions.
The profession of residential childcare is not in general a high status one, and many workers are relatively unqualified and inexperienced. However, within the profession there are also very high levels of skill and knowledge. The tasks involved, in addition to the routine (if it can ever be called that) provision of physical and emotional care for children and young people, may include:
•work with families;
•preparation for foster care;
•preparation for independence.
These tasks demand a wide range of skills and knowledge. Whitaker, Archer and Hicks(1998) looked closely and analytically at practice in group care, and concluded that the work required the following knowledge, skills and personal qualities:
•knowledge and understanding of personal development, transgenerational processes and family dynamics; the positive and negative potentials of group lining; networks and network interactions; organizational structures and dynamics;
•skills in listening, observing, interventing and assessment, in order to understand emotional reactions and feelings in the young people and themselves;
•personal qualities and values that are consistent with the aims and philosophy of the establishment.
(summary based on Department of Health(1998);
Whitaker et al.(1998))
Some of this can certainly be acquired in practice, if staff are fortunate enough to work in a setting where there is already good practice and support for learning and development. Some of it can best be learned through formal education and a strucature of qualifications. Despite many years of attempts to improve the situation, the majority of residential child care workers in Britain still do not have formal qualifications. In recent years national standards have been introduced for childern’s homes and managers,together with requirements for increasing numbers of the workfore to hold a relevant National Vocational Qualification; but there is a lot of catching up to be done. This contrasts with the situation in some European countries, where redsidential care is regarded as a relatively high status profession, and where residential workers may be expected as a matter of course to have qualifications at degree level or beyond in social work, psychology, teaching or ‘social pedagogy’(see Chapter


需要住院技巧 劳工住宅幼儿特点都与促进共同关心领域和社会工作者. 像他们这样的关心培养的第一手的实际工作,每天照顾孩子. 社会领域同他们直接雇用工人的工作机构,通常不会在自己家里. 他们有同样的社工专业训练,或多或少地为他们负责规划和与其他机构和专业. 专业育儿住宅不是一般人的地位高,相对地,许多工人都没有. 不过,该行也有很高的技术水平和知识. 承担任务,除了例行的(如能称之为)提供身心照顾的儿童和青少年,可能包括: -工作与家庭; -准备寄养; -独立准备. 这些任务需要广泛的知识和技能. 免除,阿彻和Sunday(1998)的分析与研究实践密切护理组,并认为需要以下工作知识、技能和素质: -个人发展的认识和了解,跨及家庭动力学过程; 正反两方面的潜力组人数; 网络与网络的互动; 组织结构和动态; -聆听技巧、守法、interventing和评估,以了解和感受的情绪,年轻人自己; -个人品质和价值,符合设立目的和宗旨. (摘要根据卫生署(1998); Al包给谁. (1998)) 这部分就一定要在实践中获得的,如果幸运的工作人员在那里已经订好学习与实践的发展和支持. 可以学到一些最好通过正规学历教育和strucature. 尽管多年来一直试图改善这种状况,大多数职工居住在英国的幼儿还没有正式资格. 近年来,国家标准已经开始子女的家庭和管理者,以及日益增多的需要进行相关workfore国家职业资格; 但也有很多追赶工作要做. 这一反差的情况在一些欧洲国家,护理redsidential被视为较高职业地位,而工人住宅可望理所当然要学历学位或在社会工作、心理、教育、『社会教育学」(见第11章).


需要住院技巧 劳工住宅幼儿特点都与促进共同关心领域和社会工作者. 像他们这样的关心培养损害第一手损害企业实际照顾孩子,每天. 社会领域同他们直接雇用工人的工作机构,通常不会在自己家里. 他们有同样的社工专业训练,或多或少地为他们负责规划和与其他机构和专业. 专业育儿住宅不是一般人的地位高,相对地,许多工人都没有. 不过,该行也有很高的技术水平和知识. 承担任务,除了例行的(如能称之为)提供身心照顾的儿童和青少年,可能包括: 家庭与损害; 寄养损害准备; 筹备损害独立性. 这些任务需要广泛的知识和技能. 免除,阿彻和Sunday(1998)的分析与研究实践密切护理组,并认为需要以下工作知识、技能和素质: 损害个人发展的认识和了解,跨及家庭动力学过程; 正反两方面的潜力组人数; 网络与网络的互动; 组织结构和动态; 技巧损害听、观察、interventing和评估,以了解和感受的情绪,年轻人自己; 损害个人品质和价值观念,使之符合设立目的和宗旨. (摘要根据卫生署(1998); Al包给谁. (1998)) 这部分就一定要在实践中获得的,如果幸运的工作人员在那里已经订好学习与实践的发展和支持. 可以学到一些最好通过正规学历教育和strucature. 尽管多年来一直试图改善这种状况,大多数职工居住在英国的幼儿还没有正式资格. 近年来,国家标准已经损害了对子女的家庭和管理者,以及日益增多的需要进行相关workfore国家职业资格; 但也有很多追赶工作要做. 这一反差的情况在一些欧洲国家,护理redsidential被视为较高职业地位,而工人住宅可望理所当然要学历学位或在社会工作、心理、教育、损害社会损害教学法(见第11章).


需要住院技巧 劳工住宅幼儿特点都与促进共同关心领域和社会工作者. 像他们这样的关心培养损害第一手损害企业实际照顾孩子,每天. 社会领域同他们直接雇用工人的工作机构,通常不会在自己家里. 他们有同样的社工专业训练,或多或少地为他们负责规划和与其他机构和专业. 专业育儿住宅不是一般人的地位高,相对地,许多工人都没有. 不过,该行也有很高的技术水平和知识. 承担任务,除了例行的(如能称之为)提供身心照顾的儿童和青少年,可能包括: 家庭与损害; 寄养损害准备; 筹备损害独立性. 这些任务需要广泛的知识和技能. 免除,阿彻和Sunday(1998)的分析与研究实践密切护理组,并认为需要以下工作知识、技能和素质: 损害个人发展的认识和了解,跨及家庭动力学过程; 正反两方面的潜力组人数; 网络与网络的互动; 组织结构和动态; 技巧损害听、观察、interventing和评估,以了解和感受的情绪,年轻人自己; 损害个人品质和价值观念,使之符合设立目的和宗旨. (摘要根据卫生署(1998); Al包给谁. (1998)) 这部分就一定要在实践中获得的,如果幸运的工作人员在那里已经订好学习与实践的发展和支持. 可以学到一些最好通过正规学历教育和strucature. 尽管多年来一直试图改善这种状况,大多数职工居住在英国的幼儿还没有正式资格. 近年来,国家标准已经损害了对子女的家庭和管理者,以及日益增多的需要进行相关workfore国家职业资格; 但也有很多追赶工作要做. 这一反差的情况在一些欧洲国家,护理redsidential被视为较高职业地位,而工人住宅可望理所当然要学历学位或在社会工作、心理、教育、损害社会损害教学法