
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/02 20:00:01

Eight Do's and Eight Don'ts

Love, do not harm the motherland.

Serve, don't disserve the people.

Uphold science; don't be ignorant and unenlightened.

Work hard; don't be lazy and hate work.

Be united and help each other; don't gain benefits at the expense of others.

Be honest and trustworthy, not profit-mongering at the expense of your values.

Be disciplined and law-abiding instead of chaotic and lawless.

Know plain living and hard struggle; do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures.

The General Secretary Hu proposes it after shame of eight honours eight, want to establish the modern's socialist view of honor or disgrace, those spoken and written languages of his are easier to understand to middle school student , university student or adult, but how can let eight honour eight shame come into campus of primary school, age level to press close to pupil, the form of using children's folk rhymes is better, this may be a kind of better route , let students pass the children's folk rhymes, through compile children's folk rhymes , sing children's folk rhymes , read aloud , take eight honour into the heart in the 8 shame, this is a kind of pretty good route . Eight honours and eight shame, each honour and each content that shame contains is very deep , very abundant, how is it to guide his daily behavior to the pupil, let him have a kind of view of honor or disgrace which accords with the pupil, need until it thinning, and make it really a bit. For example regard working the honour hard as, it is I that can help parents to do house work in student's view, can pick up rubbish voluntarily in school , can sweep hygiene is small real voluntarily, press close to with student's life very near, compile into the children's folk rhymes , has guided students' daily behavior habit .

Hu Jintao comrade visit, attend Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC) propose at the the ten Session of the fourth meeting of committee members March 4, should guide cadres and masses, especially teenagers establish the view of socialist honor or disgrace of " shame of eight honours eight ".

" shame of eight honours eight " has contained the abundant contents of the patriotism , collectivism and socialist thought, it is China's traditional virtue and perfect combination of spirit of the times, is national spirit taking patriotism as the core and distinct expression taking reforming and innovating as central spirit of the times, build and set up the new range pole for citizen's morals.

Hu Jintao point out want develop socialist advanced culture put get conspicuous position very, give full play to culture and inspire the thought , cultivate one's taste , teach knowledge , inspiring positive role, make great efforts to foster the socialist citizen with lofty ideals, integrety, knowledge and a strong sense of discipline.

Carry forward the patriotism , collectivism , socialist thought in the whole society in a more cost-effective manner, advocate the socialist basic code of ethic, promote forming and development of the good social conduct.

Lead the cadres and masses especially teenagers to establish the view of socialist honor or disgrace, insist on regarding loving the motherland as the honour, regarding endangering the motherland as shame, regard serving the people as the honour , regard deviating from the people as shame, regard advocating science as honour , with ignorant to for shame , regard working shame for the honour , in order to love ease and hate work hard as, regard working in unity and helping one another shame for the honour , in order to harm others to benefit oneself as, with honest for honour , shame of regarding forgetting what is right at the sight of profit as, regard observing disciplines and obeying laws shame for the honour , in order to break laws and violate discipline as, regard living plainly and struggling hard as honour, with lordly for shame.




