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give up(放弃)

give up 常见于口语
abandon 用于放弃工作,职位等等,这词比较书面一些。

放弃[fàng qì]生词本
英文解释 - 中文解释
简明释义 详细释义give up;abandon;renounce;back-out;

例句你把什么放弃了?What did you give up?www.shooter.cn放弃是我的宿命。Abandon fatalistic being企业放弃短期利润,往往是为了提高竞争力。There are often pro-competitive reasons to forgo short-term profits.www.ecocn.org这不会说服伊朗领导人放弃核计划。It will not persuade iran's leaders to renounce their nuclear plans.www.cuyoo.com但北京方面并不会很快放弃控制汇率。But beijing is not about to relinquish control of the

1. to renounce
2. to abandon
3. to give up
Relative explainations:
<cede> <fall out of> <unwish> <throw in one's hand> <render up> <retreat from> <waive> <abdicate> <abnegate> <demission> <forego> <pass> <abort> <break of> <abandon> <give up>
1. 他们已经放弃了一切希望。
They had abandoned all hope.
2. 他绝望之下放弃了尝试。
He gave up the attempt in despair.
3. 试了几次后,他们决定放弃。
After a few tries they decided to give up.
4. 牧师劝他放弃坏习惯。
The priest persuaded him to give up his bad habit.
5. 她放弃职业结婚以后有一种失落感。
She experienced a loss of identity after giving up her career to get married.
6. 根据专家们的意见,他们马上放弃了这项试验。
According to expert opinions, they gave up the experiment immediately.
7. 他不会放弃任何机会以获得一份好工作。
He will in no wise give up any chances to get a better job.
8. 我们全都是为了他才放弃这个计划的。
It was all because of him that we gave up the plan.

幸福 :
1. happiness
2. blessed
3. happy
Relative explainations:
<welfare> <weal> <blessedness> <felicity> <eudaemonia> <eudemonia> <prosperity> <blessedly> <blessing> <blissfully> <blissfulness>

1. 我祝你有非常幸福的未来。
I wish you a very happy future.
2. 金钱买不来幸福。
Money can't buy happiness.
3. 他的婚姻生活很幸福。
His marriage is full of happiness.
4. 中国老百姓现在过着幸福的生活。
Populace in China live a very happy life now.
5. 我现在需要的是一个幸福家庭所给予的安全感。
What I need now is the security of a happy home.
6. 幸福和财富不能混为一谈。
One can not identify happiness with wealth.
7. 人生幸福易逝。
Human happiness is so fragile.
8. 她把幸福和有钱联想到一起。
She associated happiness with having money.

1. to renounce
2. to abandon
3. to give up

give up

someone has already look up the dictionary.....