
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 19:00:01
My brother-in-law, Steve, and one of his fellow soldiers were assigned to wax the floors of their barracks. They'd heard that if they got the wax really hot, it would just glide across the floor, cutting their labor time in half. Unfortunately, as they were heating the can of wax with a cigarette lighter, it caught on fire, setting off alarms and attracting firetrucks, ambulances and the police. Steve had to report to his sergeant's office immediately. Assuming he was in big trouble, he took a deep breath as he faced his superior. But before Steve could say a word, the sergeant simply muttered, "Been there, done that. You're free to go."

幽默关键在这个习惯用语 Been there, done that = I have been there, I have done that. 我去过那儿, 我也干过那个.

我的妹夫史迪夫和他的一个战友接到任务, 要给营房的地板打蜡. 他俩以前听人说过, 如果把蜡烤得很热, 它就会顺着地板流成一片, 能把他们的劳动时间减少一半. 可惜当他们用打火机烤蜡罐时, 把蜡给点着了. 结果警报器响了, 救火车, 救护车, 警察全来了! 史迪夫硬着头皮只好立即到中士的办公室报告. 他知道这下子闯大祸了, 见到自己的上级, 不由得深吸了一口气. 不料还没等史迪夫开口, 中士竟低声嘀咕道:"我也不是没干过. 你没事啦, 走吧."

此人以为他做捷径引发祸端会被严重惩罚, 没想到长官告诉他说长官自己原来也这么做过。
