
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/07 15:31:24

词目 精卫填海
发音 jīng wèi tián hǎi
释义 精卫衔来木石,决心填平大海。旧时比喻仇恨极深,立志报复。后比喻意志坚决,不畏艰难。
出处 《山海经·北山经》:“炎帝之少女名曰女娃。女娃游于东海,溺而不返,故为精卫,常衔西山之木石,以堙于东海。”
示例 治理改造大自然,要有~的顽强精神。 太阳神炎帝有一个小女儿,名叫女娃,是他最钟爱的女儿。炎帝不仅管太阳,还管五谷和药材。他事情很多,每天一大早就要去东海,指挥太阳升起,直到太阳西沉才回家。










Source 《 the mountain sea through north mountain of · through 》 :" A 曰 woman 娃 of young girl of the 炎帝 .Woman 娃 swims in East China Sea, 溺 but don't return, past is the 精卫 , often the wood stone of the title west mountain, with 堙 in East China Sea."
The example manages to reform the great universe, toing have stubborn spirit of the ~ . The Apollo 炎帝 has a little daughter, nameding woman 娃 , is the daughter who he show affection for most .The 炎帝 not only takes care of the sun, but also takes care of the grain and medicine materials.The another matter feeling is a lot of, will go to East China Sea in early morning everyday, direct the sun to rise, until the sun sinks in the west to just go home.

The 炎帝 not at home, woman 娃 plays then and alone, she wants to let the father take her to go out very much, going to the place that the sun of East China Sea rise to have a look.But the father is occupied in the public affairs, always not take her.This day, then a person of woman 娃 drives a boat to row toward the place that the sun of East China Sea rise.Unfortunate of is, have the storm at the sea, be like the similar wave of mountain to tip over the boat, woman 娃 was destroyed by the heartless ocean, returning forever not to come.The 炎帝 is surely painful to read aloud own daughter, but can't make her die and reply to living with the medicine, also onlying have alone the absolute being harmed to lament.

Woman 娃 died, her精魂 turned to make a small bird, the flower head, white mouth hull, red feet claw, send out the sat cry of" 精卫 , the 精卫 ", so, the people call this bird as" the 精卫 " again.

The 精卫 hated bitterly the heartless ocean 夺 to go to the young life of oneself, she wants to revenge to avenge.Therefore, she the hair pigeon top of hill title live from she never stop for a moment a stone son, or a sprig, the exhibition wings are high to fly, hading been fly till East China Sea.She on circling in the air 阒 of the sea surface of the very rough sea, the sat cry write, throwing down the pebble tree branch to go to, wanting to fill up the ocean.

The ocean dash about, roar, sneering at her:" Small bird, calculate, your this work is for dry 1,000,000 yearses, also doing not think that to fill up the ocean."

The 精卫 is in the high empty reply ocean:" Which afraid is dry last 10,000,000 years,10,00= years, do cosmos of end, the judgment day of the world, I will fill up you eventually!"

" You why hate so I?"

" Because your 夺 went to my young life, you in the future still the meeting 夺 goes to many young and innocent lifes.I want to always did not stop a ground of stem descend go to, the one day there will will fill you flat ground."

The 精卫 fly, the 鸣 call, leave the ocean, and then fly back to deliver the pigeon mountain to go to the title pebble and tree branches.Her title ah, throw ah, for months and years, the back and forth fly, never letting up.Afterwards, the 精卫 and petrels became the husband and wife, livinging a many small bird, the 雌 is like the 精卫 , the male is like the petrel.The small 精卫 is similar to their mother, also going to the title stone to fill the sea.Down to date, they still do this kind of work.

The people sympathize with the 精卫 , admiring the 精卫 , be called" birds of 冤 "," bird of 誓 "," the ambition bird"," woman 雀 of 帝 " to it, and signed a historic monument on the side of East China Sea, being called" the 精卫 誓 water".




" The 精卫 fills the sea" is the myth story of the spirit that the ancients sings the praises the kind wishes and 碶s but don't give up.
It is rumored, the little daughter of the Apollo 炎帝 goes to the side of East China Sea to play, dropping into the ocean to drown did not expect.She is clay-cold, the soul turns to make a small bird, being called" the 精卫 ", spending the head, white mouth, red foot, growing the cheery amiability.She drive sad hated the heartless sea waves to demolish the oneself, and then thought of that the other people also may be capture the young life, so come to a sprig, a stone head from the west mountain title constantly, throwing into the nautical mile, wanting to fill up the ocean.She did not stop a ground of come-and-go to fly with the west mountain and of East China Seas.

The 精卫碶 but the spirit that don't give up, the wishes of the docile, the life ambition of the grandiosity, is respect by the people.A poet of Jin the pottery 渊 is clear to write the way in the poem:" Tiny wood of the title of 精卫 , will with fill the sea of 沧 ", speak favorably the small bird of the 精卫 to presume toward tragically heroic combat spirit that the ocean contend warmly.The people of the future generations also usually with the huge unsurpassed business of 艰 that" the 精卫 fills the sea" parable person with ideals and integrity's person of great virtue be engaged in.