
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/03 06:48:06
In order to solve a computational problem, its solution must be specified in terms of a sequcnce of computational steps,each of which may be effectively perrormed by a human agent or by a digital computer.Systematic notations for the specification of such sequences of computational steps are referred to as programming languages. A specification of the sequence of computational steps in a particular programming language is referred to as a program. The task of developing programs for the solution of computational problems is referred to as programming. A person engaging in the activity of programming is referred to as a programmer.
Programming is sometimes contrasted with coding. Coding generally refers to the writing and debugging of proguams for given program specifications, while programming includes the task of preparing the program specification as well as that of writing the program. The text of a program is sometimes referred to as code, and lines of program text are referred to as lines of code, especially in the case of machine-language programs. The term coder is used, sometimes pejoratively, to describe a person engaged exclusively in implementing program specifications prepared by orthers.
The programs for the earliest digital computers were wrtten in a machine language. Pure maching-language protramming required the jprogrammer to write out the sequences of binary or decimal digits by which each instruction was represented in the computer memory. By the mid-1950s it was realized that programmers could specify instruction codes and memory locations by symbolic mnemonics, which could be translated into the internal machine language by a translation program called an assembler.
In the late 1950s and in the 1960s, procedure-oriented language were developed to allow programmers to specify algorithms in a notation natural to the problem being solved. Programs specified in a procedure-oriented language were tuanslated into the internal language of a particular computer by a translation program called a compiler. The commonly used programming language in the 1960s and 1970s included FORTRAN,ALGOL60,COBOL,PL/1,and APL.
A problem spccification is generally given in terms of a desired relation between inputs and outputs which specifies what is to be computed. An algorithm or program for a given problem specifies how the given relation between inputs and outputs is to be achieved. It is the task of the programmer to convert@static@ input/output specifications of what is to be computed into dynamic specifications that specify how the computation is to be performed.

为了要解决一个计算的问题,它的解决一定根据计算步骤的 sequcnce 被指定, 每个可能有效地是一个人类的代理人或一部数传计算机的 perrormed。为计算步骤的如此序列的规格有系统的记号法被称为规画语言。 计算步骤的序列一件规格以一种特别的规画语言被称为一个计画。 为计算问题的解决发展中计画的工作被称为规画。 动人的在规画的活动中的一个人被称为一个程序师。
规画有时与编码一起对比。 通常编码对那个写而且 proguams 的除错对于给予的计画规格提到而规画包括准备写计画的计画规格和那的工作。 计画的本文被有时称为密码,而且计画本文的线被称为密码的线, 尤其在机械语言计画的情况。 期限成码器被用,有时轻蔑地, 描述一个被在实现被 orthers 准备的计画规格方面独家地预订的人。
为最早的数传计画计算机以一个机械语言是 wrtten 。 必需的 jprogrammer 写出二进位的或十进位数字的序列纯粹的 maching- 语言的 protramming 被哪一每个指导在计算机记忆被表现。 在一般了解的 1950 年代中期之前程序师可以叙述象征记忆术的指导密码和记忆位置, 这可能被一个翻译计画转变为内在机械语言叫做了一个组合器。
在 1950 年代后期和 1960 年代中,程序- 导向的语言被发展允许程序师叙述对被解决的问题在一个记号法肉色的运算法则。 以一种程序- 导向的语言被指定的计画被一个翻译计画是进入特别计算机的内在语言之内 tuanslated 呼叫了一个编辑者。 普遍使用过的规画语言在 1960 年代和 1970 年代中包括了互传式译, ALGOL60 , COBOL , PL/1, 和 APL。
问题 spccification 通常根据在输入和叙述什么是被计算的输出之间的一个被需要的关系有。 为一个给定的问题一个运算法则或计画叙述在输入和输出之间的给定关系如何即将被达成。 资讯科技是对 convert@static@ 输入/ 输出规格的程序师的工作什么是进入叙述计算是如何被运行的动态规格之内被计算