大航海时代ol烹饪练法:Randal Jones 简介

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/03 14:57:16
Randal Jones 简介

Randal Jones wrote:
  "I once actually heard an American teacher (in Thailand)
  tell her students that she could help them learn to think as she

  Of course this was insensitively put, but there more than a grain of truth
  in what she said. As an English teacher and German learner I know this
  all too well.

  Firstly from a purely syntactic view:
  Although English is a Germanic language, the word order is so
  different that it is impossible to speak German if you carry on
  thinking like an Englishman. In English the tense system is
  almost impossible to learn if you don't think and feel it in English.

  Secondly there is vocabulary:
  I don't mean that the words are different, but that there
  is no one-to-one mapping. For example in German, French, Italian
  etc you need to learn to differentiate thoughts between know
  (a thing) and know (an object).

  Thirdly there is culture:
  Documents are written in a different way. Self criticism
  is frowned on here. If one is not to make inadvertent faux-pas
  one has to learn to think/feel the culture. In the English speaking
  world plagiarism is frowned on, but as we have read many times in
  this group in the Orient agreeing with the expert is a sign of respect.

  I don't speak any Thai, but I imagine the differences are much
  more extreme than with German. I think one does need to attempt
  to think like an Englishman/American when one speaks English just
  as in any other language.