
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/06 17:27:33

session("OldGuestSave")="" 将用户全局变量OldGuestSave的值改成空




的代码;如果Global.asa中没有这两个函数,你可以手工添加。也可以在数据第一次使用的时候将其装入。要想这样,应该在ASP页面中写一些代码(或是写一个可重用的脚本函数)来检查数据是否存在并且如果数据不存在则将其装入内存。下面是一个经典的性能调整技术--Lazy Evaluation:

Function GetEmploymentStatusList
Dim d
d = Application("EmploymentStatusList")
If d = "" Then
' FetchEmploymentStatusList function (not shown)
' fetches data from DB, returns an Array
d = FetchEmploymentStatusList()
Application("EmploymentStatusList") = d
End If
GetEmploymentStatusList = d
End Function

Similar functions could be written for each chunk of data needed.

In what format should the data be stored? Any variant type can be
stored, since all script variables are variants. For instance, you
can store strings, integers, or arrays. Often, you’ll be storing the
contents of an ADO recordset in one of these variable types. To get
data out of an ADO recordset, you can manually copy the data into
VBScript variables, one field at a time. It’s faster and easier to
use one of the ADO recordset persistence functions GetRows(),GetString
() or Save() (ADO 2.5). Full details are beyond the scope of this
article, but here’s a function that demonstrates using GetRows() to
return an array of recordset data:

' 获取记录集,返回数组
Function FetchEmploymentStatusList
Dim rs
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open "select StatusName, StatusID from EmployeeStatus", _
FetchEmploymentStatusList = rs.GetRows() ' 将记录集用数组返回
Set rs = Nothing
End Function

A further refinement of the above might be to cache the HTML for the
list, rather than the array. Here’s a simple sample:

' 获取记录集,返回HTML Option列表
Function FetchEmploymentStatusList
Dim rs, fldName, s
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open "select StatusName, StatusID from EmployeeStatus", _
s = "<select name=""EmploymentStatus">" & vbCrLf
Set fldName = rs.Fields("StatusName") ' ADO 字段绑定
Do Until rs.EOF
s = s & " <option>" & fldName & "</option>" & vbCrLf
s = s & "</select>" & vbCrLf
Set rs = Nothing ' 释放rs
FetchEmploymentStatusList = s ' 用字符串方式返回数据
End Function

在正确情况下,你可以将ADO记录集本身缓存在Application或Session范围,但必须满足下面两个条件: .ADO必须被标记为自由线程模型(Free-threaded) .必须使用无连接记录集


当你在Application或Session中存储数据后,数据将一直保存,知道你的程序改变它,或是Session过期,或是Web服务重新启动。What if the data needs to be updated?手工刷新Application数据,可以调用只有管理员才可访问的用来刷新数据的ASP页面;或者定期的通过一个函数来周期性的更新数据。下面的例子在缓存数据中保存了一个时间戳,然后一段时间之后自动刷新数据。

Const UPDATE_INTERVAL = 300 ' 刷新间隔,单位是秒

Function GetEmploymentStatusList
GetEmploymentStatusList = Application("EmploymentStatusList")
End Function

Sub UpdateEmploymentStatusList
Dim d, strLastUpdate
strLastUpdate = Application("LastUpdate")
If (strLastUpdate = "") Or _
(UPDATE_INTERVAL < DateDiff("s", strLastUpdate, Now)) Then

' Note: two or more calls might get in here. This is okay and
will simply
' result in a few unnecessary fetches (there is a workaround
for this)

' FetchEmploymentStatusList function (not shown)
' fetches data from DB, returns an Array
d = FetchEmploymentStatusList()

' 更新Application对象时用Application.Lock()来保持数据一致性
Application("EmploymentStatusList") = Events
Application("LastUpdate") = CStr(Now)
End If
End Sub
