
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/03 12:07:52

拼音发音 ji

首先 J 开头的~~

希望发音接近 Ji。。




被认做可爱,喜好运动的金发男孩,但人们却对Jason的人格有争议。他可能是主观,风趣受欢迎,固执,不受束缚,调皮,或沉静,害羞,常自省的人。 JEFFERYJEFFERY被形容为孩子气,黑发,俊朗的男子。有些人则说JEFFERY是聪明的万事通,有钱又自大的小子,还有人说他是个中等男子,可靠,迟钝又单调。







同JOHN。JOHNNY被看做黑发,高壮,稚气未脱的美国男孩,通常不是安静赖着妈妈的男孩就是静不下来的捣蛋鬼。 JOHN (希伯来)"上帝是慈悲的"。John,一个带着圣经浓厚色彩的名字,让人联想到清爽聪明的男子,个性坚强独立。 JOSHUA (希伯来)意为获得上帝帮助的人。JOSHUA被视作英俊的男子,羞涩,聪明,独立,忠实的信徒。 JUSTIN (拉丁)"品格端正"。Justin被形容作可爱,棕发,爱玩,稚气未脱的男子,喜欢钓鱼及溜狗。人们说Justin可能成为富有的专业人士,公正,受人敬重,可靠的公民

希望我的回答让你满意 :)

Jason or Jaeson
Jim or Jimmy
Jesse or Jessy
Jack or Jacky

829. Jaafar Arabic Male small stream
830. Jabari African Male brave
831. Jabilo African Male Medicine Man
832. Jabir Arabic Male comforter
833. Jack(65) English Male form of John - God is gracious
834. Jackson Hebrew Male Son of JACK
835. Jacob(2) Hebrew Male the supplanter
836. Jacques French Male one who supplants
837. Jafar Hindi Male little stream
838. Jagger English Male a teamster
839. Jaime Spanish Male Form of JAMES. one who supplants
840. Jake Hebrew Male form of JACOB - the supplanter
841. Jalen Not available or unknown Male Form of JALENE. From JAMES and LENORE
842. Jamal Arabic Male beauty
843. James(20) Hebrew Male one who supplants
844. Jamil Arabic Male beautiful
845. Jamison English Male son of James
846. Jared(46) Hebrew Male one who rules
847. Jarek Polish Male born in January
848. Jarrett French Male Form of JARED. one who rules
849. Jarvis English Male driver
850. Jason(48) Greek Male healer
851. Jasper Persian Male treasurer
852. Javier French Male January
853. Jedidiah Hebrew Male beloved of the Lord
854. Jedrek Polish Male strong and manly
855. Jeff Not available or unknown Male Form of JEFFREY. god's peace
856. Jefferson Anglo-Saxon Male Son of Jeffrey
857. Jeffrey(78) Teutonic Male god's peace
858. Jelani African Male mighty
859. Jered Not available or unknown Male Form of JARED. one who rules
860. Jeremiah Hebrew Male exalted of the lord
861. Jeremy(72) Hebrew Male appointed by god
862. Jerod Not available or unknown Male Descendant
863. Jerold Not available or unknown Male Form of GERALD. Spear Warrior
864. Jerome Greek Male Of Holy Name
865. Jerry Hebrew Male Form of GERALD. Spear Warrior
866. Jerzy Polish Male form of GEORGE - farmer
867. Jesus(84) Hebrew Male God will help
868. Jethro Hebrew Male Outstanding, Excellent
869. Jim Hebrew Male Form of JAMES. one who supplants
870. Jimmy Hebrew Male Form of JAMES. one who supplants
871. Jiro Japanese Male second male
872. Jobey Hebrew Male persecuted
873. Jock Scottish Male form of JACK - form of JOHN - God gave
874. Joe Hebrew Male form of JOSEPH - God shall add
875. Joel Hebrew Male the Lord is willing
876. Joey Not available or unknown Male form of JOSEPH - God shall add
877. Johann German Male god's gracious gift
878. John(15) Hebrew Male God is gracious
879. Johnny Hebrew Male form of JOHN - God is gracious
880. Jon Hebrew Male form of JONATHAN - God has given
881. Jonah Hebrew Male dove
882. Jonathan(14) Hebrew Male god gives
883. Jonny Hebrew Male form of JONATHAN - God has given
884. Jorge(61) Greek Male Form of GEORGE. A Tiller of the Soil or a Farmer
885. Jorgen Greek Male farmer
886. Jose(31) Spanish Male form of JOSEPH - God shall add
887. Josef German Male form of JOSEPH - God shall add
888. Joseph(12) Hebrew Male God shall add (another son)
889. Josh Hebrew Male Form of JOSHUA. lord is salvation
890. Joshua(5) Hebrew Male lord is salvation
891. Josiah Hebrew Male Fire of the Lord
892. Juan(52) Spanish Male form of JOHN - God has given
893. Judd Hebrew Male praised
894. Jude Hebrew Male praise
895. Jules Latin Male Youthful
896. Junior Not available or unknown Male The Young, Child
897. Justin(21) Latin Male Just
1631. Zaccheus Not available or unknown Male Innocent
1632. Zach Not available or unknown Male Form of ZACHARY. remembered by god
1633. Zachary(10) Hebrew Male remembered by god
1634. Zaci African Male God of Fatherhood
1635. Zahi Arabic Male splendid
1636. Zaid African Male increase, growth
1637. Zalman Hebrew Male Peaceful & Quiet
1638. Zane Hebrew Male god's gracious gift
1639. Zared Hebrew Male brook
1640. Zayd Arabic Male increase
1641. Zebulon Hebrew Male Exalted/Honored
1642. Zed Not available or unknown Male From ZEDEKIAH
1643. Zedekiah Hebrew Male God is Fair
1644. Zef Not available or unknown Male Form of IZEFIA. I have no child
1645. Zelig Teutonic Male The Blessed One
1646. Zenon Spanish Male living
1647. Zephan Hebrew Male Irish Saint
1648. Zev Hebrew Male Wolf
1649. Zion Hebrew Male a sign, excellent
1650. Ziv Hebrew Male Very Bright

Jean 今天看几个大老板就叫这个。
James 很酷。

jimmy/jim 很像小孩子,每人真正用这些名字。

建议 Jean/James

