
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/13 20:25:35

1 莱斯特兰奇夫妇事实上是去谋杀纳威,并不是他的父母。-不是,但是他(纳威)与那条神秘的预言还是息息相关的。

2 预言的最后一部分(“两个人不能同时活着”)是暗示说哈利和纳威必须杀死对方。-不,不是的。但是其实纳威在其他方面是与预言有关联的。

3 邓布利多的老朋友尼可·勒梅会去霍格沃兹教授魔药学。-这一看就是骗人的。因为他已经死了

4 卢娜真实身份是斯内普的女儿。-那真是有趣,假设斯内普真的和某人发生了关系。但他无疑不可能与卢娜的妈妈有孩子。

5 JK 罗琳不希望人们用Voldy来称呼黑魔王。-她说这是个天大的玩笑。但是严厉禁止称黑魔王Morty。

6 事实上邓布利多是未来的罗恩或者哈利。-很酷的想法!但是很可惜,罗琳已经证实这是不正确的。罗琳表示她个人认为造谣者实在很有创造力。

7 JK 罗琳的网站的内容并不是她亲自写的,而是别人为她代笔的。-根据她自己的说法。真的,真的是她自己。


1.The Lestranges were really sent to kill Neville, not his parents. - Nope, but it is all tied in with the mysterious prophecy.
2.The last part of the prophecy ("neither shall live while the other survives") means Harry and Neville will have to kill each other. - No, it doesn't, but Neville is tied in with the prophecy in another way.
3.Dumbledore's old friend Nicolas Flamel will come to Hogwarts to teach potions. - That would be a neat trick, because he's dead.
4.Luna is really Snape's daughter. - Interesting though it would be if Snape found someone actually willing to reproduce with him, he most definitely did not produce a child with Luna's mother.
5.JK Rowling doesn't want people referring to Voldemort as Voldy. - She says that was all a big joke. But calling him Morty is strictly verboten (kidding).
6.Dumbledore is really Ron or Harry from the future. - Cool idea! But not true, according to Ms. Rowling, er, Jo. But she thinks it's keen that readers are so creative in their rumormongering.
7.JK Rowling is not really talking on her site, but has other folks writing for her. - According to the source herself, it's really, really her.

